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Rape: Sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration with/or without force by a sex organ without the consent of the victim. If I wanted I could turn Antonio in for just that. I could report that he took advantage of me while I was drunk and that I didn't have control of my body. Sure, that would be what most people would do in my situation but not me. The reason I'm not reporting what happened isn't because Antonio's my friend. I didn't care who he was or what he did. What I cared about was me and how I reacted to the situation.

The truth is, I wasn't drunk. I mean come on. I get a little tipsy from time to time but I've drunk way more in way less time and a few bottles didn't affect my decisions. I chose to get off from him and I didn't stop myself. I was overcome with lust and it was me who cheated on Eagle. Antonio had nothing to do with that.

Sure, he didn't have to kiss me. That was what set off my trigger. But, I couldn't promise myself that I wouldn't have done something even if that hadn't happened. I knew that Antonio would do anything I wanted him to. It was obvious that he was a follower and I had him wrapped around my finger. In a way I guess I took advantage of him.

The worst part of it all was the fact that I enjoyed it. I enjoyed his presence and everything we did that night. I marked his body as if it was my property and I felt no shame while doing so.

I knew it wasn't right to keep this a secret from Eagle. I also knew it was bad that I haven't talked to Antonio since this all happened. I want to apologize to both of them but I just didn't know how. I've played them both and they're the only two people who care about me. It seems like I always have a way of messing everything up.

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