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    I woke up to the sound of screaming during what seemed to be the middle of the night. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before pinpointing the commotion. I looked over to my bed to find PJ crying and flailing in some sort of panic.

"Oh my gosh, PJ! Are you okay? What's wrong?!" I asked my voice filling my distress.

I ran over to my bed to find that PJ was still asleep. I felt helpless as I watched my best friend thrashing about under my covers. I attempted to think of a way to help him relax. I thought of asking my parents what to do but I didn't want to wake them up. That's when I remembered how my mom would rub my brother's back when he'd cry. I  placed my hand on PJ back slowly moving it in circles in hopes to calm him down.

As I comforted him PJ began to unwind. His panicked behavior turned into a more soothing aura as he stopped shaking. I could feel his body shifting in my arms as his face soon met mine. It startled me at first until I remembered that he was still sleeping. I loosened my grip around him as I began to make my way back to the floor but failed to get there before hearing PJ's unsettling screams.

I crawled back into bed with him and hugged him hoping that he'd begin to breathe easy. I felt bad leaving him and wanted to stay with him until he was fully sedated. I wasn't planning on falling asleep with PJ in my arms, I guess it just kind of happened.

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