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I have no classes with Eagle. I knew I should've taken creative writing instead of English literature. My stupid mother signed me up for it over the phone and never even told me about the switch. She always feels the need to butt into my life for no reason. She thinks that she's helping and doing what's best for me when she's just making everything worse.

My last period class was boring as hell so I decided to roam the halls when some idiot rammed into me causing us both to tumble down the stairs.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING ASSHOLE!" I shouted before recognizing who the person in front of me was.

"Antonio, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you crying?" I asked noticing his teary eyes.

"No, I'm not crying. I just have seasonal allergies. By the way, have you seen PJ today?" he asked wiping his eyes. PJ? Why was he looking for PJ?

"I think I saw him this morning in the music hallway but he left with some older dude that looked like a senior," I replied trying to remember exactly what happened.

"Did he have light brown hair and look like a slightly older version of PJ?" Antonio asked frantically. What was the problem? He seriously needed to calm down.

"I think so," I replied before Antonio took off down the next two flights of stairs. I watched as he left wondering where he could possibly be going. I wish he took me with him though because anywhere would be better than going back home to deal with my mom asking how my day was.

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