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"I bet he slept with the captain of the cheer team."

"I doubt it. It was probably someone super innocent who turned out to be a total freak."

"Maybe it was someone older. A college girl?"

"Or someone way younger. I've heard that the new freshman will do anything  you tell them to."

Rumors. Gotta love them. Obviously, none of them are true since I was with PJ that night but it's probably better that no one knows. If I could go back to that night and redo everything I don't think I would. I do admit that it was wrong of me to take advantage of PJ while he was drunk but he wasn't stopping me. He was the one who ended up on top of me and he was the one who left my whole body looking like I got into an octopus attack.

That night was everything that I wanted and more and I didn't want to forget it anytime soon. Too bad PJ hasn't talked to me since as a result. I mean, he has Eagle to worry about and I was just a one-night thing. I mean, why would he ever think about me when he has her?

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