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You've made it to the end of this story and I'd like to thank you for all the time you've put into reading my story. This is the first story that I could say that I've been proud of and I've grown so much as a writer throughout it. Regardless if you read book one I hoped that book two could be a story you could read without having to read its former. I considered book one quite immature since the characters were so young but I fell in love with the characters I created. I decided to give them all a second story and incorporated the most important parts of book one into book two. If you finished this book without reading book one I'm curious about your opinions towards it. Were there any parts that you felt weren't quite finished or pieces that you felt had a little something more to them than explained? I've also been working on a third book in this series. Similar to book two I'm writing it in a way that you don't have to read the first two books to understand what's going on. Due to that factor, some parts that were in book two may be reintroduced in book three for those who haven't read book one or two. I also am going to create a shorter story where PJ views his funeral in his death and reacts to everyone's lives going on without him. That won't be written until after book three is finished. Once again, thank you so much for reading and whether or not you chose to continue this series I hope you enjoyed your time with this story.

Book One or what you could call a prequel to this story:

"The Letter I wrote about you"

This story includes a lot of background to Eagle's character and what it was like when she was younger. Her and Blair had a much more platonic relationship and all of PJ's actions were much more shocking to her. A character not mentioned in this story is considered the main character of book one. His name is D and was probably mentioned once in this book as "Eagle's ex-boyfriend." He plays a very important part in book 3 and will be reintroduced.

Book three or the continuation of this book:

"Do You Love Anyone Now?"

This story will include all of the questions left unanswered in book two and focuses on the character's lives after PJ's death. Eagle begins to realize how much PJ's death has really affected her and her life begins to crumble. Antonio acts as if everything is fine while he's truly falling apart on the inside. PJ's death hurt him the most and he's trying to figure out how to deal with it. Blair sees' Eagle's weakness through PJ's death as an opportunity to finally make her his but still isn't sure whether or not to tell her his true feelings. D will be reintroduced and play an important part in the storyline.

Book Four or what you could consider an epilogue:

The name is currently undecided

This story will include PJ's POV of his own funeral and how he feels about everyone moving on without him. He watches as his parent's bust into his own funeral and learns about his mother's true story about her side of her relationship with his father.

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