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    Weddings. They've never been a huge event on my radar. I always doubted that I'd ever get married so I'd never thought too much of them. My family was fairly small and I had no connections to really any of them. Sure they've gotten married but I'd never been invited to any family weddings. It's kind of weird that the first wedding I'll be attending will be for two complete strangers. It's also a bit odd that I'm not even a guest, I'm part of the serenade.

    There aren't too many double bass players in general and I'm pretty sure that I was the only one in the area. Why they didn't get a cello is beyond me and I literally have no idea how they even got my number.

    I was told that I'd be accompanying the wedding along with 3 local violin players. I was excited to meet the fellow musicians until they all turned their noses at me the moment they got a glimpse of my face. The violinists looked to be all around the age of 20 to 25. I had no clue why they were looking down on me so much since I wasn't too far from their age.

    They chatted amongst themselves while guests took their seats behind the altar. I looked over the music given to me literally today and air played my part. The violinists thought I looked a bit crazy and doubted that I'd do the quartet any good. I didn't really mind their small talk regarding my playing abilities. I knew that I'd prove them wrong once the wedding began.

    The event began with the typical wedding tunes. Nothing too special that I haven't heard before. I watched as the bride walked down the aisle, her veil collecting the flower petals that the audience threw. The whole scene looked like something out of a movie as the groom took her hands in his. I listened to the story of their lives getting more engrossed with every word the priest read. As the ceremony continued I began realizing that every couple had their own unique story. Each story unfolded in a different way and no two were the same.

    I was highly doubtful of two people having a happy ending together but after listening to their vows it began to warm my cold dead heart. I started to wonder if I'd ever have a story of my own. I imagined myself in the bride's perfectly pointed stiletto shoes and wondered what It would be like if it was me underneath the veil. I pictured myself walking down the aisle to find Blair standing at the altar. SHIT. What am I thinking? Blair? Did I really see a future with him?

    Could the smile I've woken up to everyday for the past month become the smile I woke up to everyday  for the rest of my life? I'd never thought about us in that way but maybe I should.

    As the ceremony came to a close I snapped a few pictures and sent them to Blair. I was so curious to see how he'd respond that I didn't notice the other members of the wedding quartet talking to me.

    "I'm sorry but I was just spacing out for a moment," I said without knowing what they even wanted. I thought the best thing to do was apologize even if I didn't know what I was apologizing for.

    "Oh that's totally fine, happens to the best of us. I'd like to apologize for judging your playing abilities before I ever got to hear you. You're pretty good for just a kid," the oldest looking member said laughing.

    "No problem, everyone seems to do that. It kind of sucks since no one takes me seriously," I replied smiling.

    "Those things will pass eventually. When I was given the number of a local low strings player and I never expected that you'd be so young! I'm sure you'll do numbers in college," one of the other members added in.

    "You really think so?" I asked a bit surprised.

    "Definitely! You already play at a college level so I doubt that any school wouldn't be at your front door asking you to chose them," the oldest member encouraged.

    "Aw thank you so much!" I said blushing. It felt nice to have someone believe in you. My family wasn't the most supportive about my music career. I've been told that music is just a hobby and I could never make a career out of it. Sucks for them that I've never listened to their bullshit.

    "By the way, if our cello player is ever sick again we'll be sure to hit you up," one of the younger players offered as they began to walk to their cars.

    "Okay!" I shouted back to them smiling that they took a liking to me.

    As I walked towards my dads BMW I laughed to myself remembering that those were Blair's initials.

    "Damn you Blair Matthew Wildbloom. I can never seem to get you out of my mind," I said to myself as I loaded my bass into the trunk.

    I checked my Snapchat as I got into the car to see if Blair had replied.

    "What are you doing at a wedding? I thought you never not invited to those," he said with a laugh.

    "I don't. I was playing in a quartet," I replied sending my rolling eyes his way.

    "Oh nice, you that could be us some day," he said winking.

    Was he being serious? I could never tell with him. I didn't know how to respond so I may or may not have left him on open. I had to drive home anyways. No time for texting.

    I tried to focus on the road as images of Blair standing at the alter slipped into my mind. Everything surrounding this damn kid never seemed to make sense. I couldn't decide how I felt about him and it was really starting to irritate me. Partially because I knew I was falling for him and partially because I knew that I couldn't let myself fall in that deep.

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