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I woke up to an empty bed after my night with PJ. It's not like I expected him to stay with me but it would've been nice not having to wake up by myself. I looked over the unmade covers next to me as memories of yesterday flooded my mind. I took advantage of PJ's drunken state and did things with him that'd he'd never do with me if he was sober. Maybe it's better that he left me to bathe in my own sorrow. I was the one who should be ashamed of themselves. I should've just left him to sleep like I used to do but I was greedy. I needed more and I was tired of watching from the sidelines. I wanted to be in the center of the action and I wanted to know what it was like for him touch my skin against his. I should feel ashamed of myself but somehow I don't regret anything. That just proves what a horrible person I really was.

I rolled over in my bed to find my clock telling me to get my lazy ass up. My hips were insanely sore and just sitting up hurt. This was bad. I strolled over to the bathroom to fix my serious bed head and as I rubbed the sand out my eyes I noticed something seriously wrong with me. My whole body was covered in bruises and they hurt to the touch. Did I fall out of bed or something?

I took out my phone immediately to text the only person who I didn't have an awkward relationship with at the moment. Eagle. I'd like to consider us friends and even though I despised her at times it was only over jealously.

I started off the conversation with a simple "hey, how are you doing?" before I began freaking out over the mysterious bruises. I thought my life was pretty shitty until Eagle responded saying her day was horrible. Being the good friend I am I asked why hoping that it would be something simple like having a bad hair day. I don't think I could've been any farther off from what was really wrong.

"Thanks to whoever got my parents to take me home yesterday, Blair invited himself over and assaulted me," she responded catching me completely off guard. Blair assaulted her? When he asked me to keep PJ away from Eagle I guess I never really asked why. I was too caught up in getting to spend another night with PJ that I completely ignored his side of the plan.

"What do you mean?" I asked hoping that she was just overreacting.

"Do I have to explain? He pretty much just came over and tried to force himself on me," she responded. Damn, who knew Blair was so aggressive? I had noticed his slightly raised temper but I never thought that he'd ever hurt anyone. Shit, this was all my fault.

"I'm beyond sorry that this happened to you," I apologized. How could I let this happen?

"You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault," she replied. If only she knew. I could've admitted that her being sent home was partially my fault but I wasn't about to rat myself out.

"I know, you just didn't deserve that," I said trying to hide my lies. This was all because of me. If I didn't agree to watch PJ while Blair did whatever he wanted to Eagle none of this would've happened. PJ would've run back to Eagle in the blink of an eye but I took him home instead. I was too worried about myself to think about what could've been happening on the other end of our little deal. I am such an idiot.

"I'm fine though. It's over now. Anyways, what's up with you? There has to be a reason why you texted me this early," she said reminding me of the reason I began the conversation in the first place.

"I woke up this morning with these really weird bruises and I was wondering if you had any idea why. I felt awkward asking PJ and you're probably my next closest friend," I admitted. Even though we barely talked she was the only other people besides PJ that I trusted. She wasn't like the other kids at school and she wasn't constantly putting on a mask to please everyone around her. Unlike me.

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