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I swear I think that I could stare at PJ's face for the rest of my life. Everything about him is flawless and I honestly have no clue how he does it. He woke up approximately 2 minutes before we had to leave for school and in a matter of those two minutes he was already perfectly made up and ready to go. Unlike me, PJ was properly dressed in a green polo shirt matched with khakis while I just threw on a random sweatshirt I found inside my closet. By the time we were halfway to the school my favorite beaten down pullover was now covering PJ's polo due to "my AC being just as bad as my brothers."

I'd like to think that I haven't been contemplating about what happened at my brother's condo but I'd be lying to myself. Why the hell did I kiss PJ? I'm not into him or anything. I'd like to say that it was just a spur of the moment thing but it felt nothing like that. It felt magical. As a first kiss should feel. Fireworks exploded in my mind the moment my lips met his. Sure, I had no clue what I was really doing but at least he's a good kisser. Additionally, that was just a random kiss from out of the blue. Imagine what it'd be like if he was actually prepared to kiss me. Not that he ever would be. I mean why would PJ be expecting us to kiss. I sure wasn't expecting us to kiss again anytime soon.

I doubted that PJ felt anything during our kiss and that I was just going insane. PJ and I were best friends. He was the man, my lifeline, and the only person that truly cared about me. I don't know what I'd ever do without him.

As I drove us to school I savored our last moments together before parking my Mercedes in my old parking spot from last year. I sighed to myself knowing that PJ and I's summer to ourselves had come to an end. If only it could've lasted forever.

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