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Day one of my junior year started out normally. Interacting with people you haven't seen all summer and being handed 20 pages of homework from your new teachers for no reason. No one does much work on the first day. It's mostly just busy work or a questionnaire to let the teacher know more about you.

School is pretty much just a waste of my time since I'll never use any of the dumb material they teach us in my whole life. Anyways, they don't care if we learned anything. All the school board cares about is the grade we get on a stupid piece of paper. If students get bad grades then it makes the teachers look bad. Instead of learning something actually important in life we spend years going over formula's that we'll never use in the real world. Unless you're going into math or science equations are useless. I'd much rather spend my time practicing my bass. I'm pretty sure it'll get me further than any grade I could possibly obtain with this hell hole of a school system.

I've already learned that my statistics teacher is too busy crying over her failed tinder date to teach the class. My forensics teacher thinks he's the next Sherlock Holmes. My AP music theory teachers alright. My psychology teacher has a really unhealthy obsession with Dr. Phil and I haven't met my creative writing teacher yet. I'm walking to her class right now and I think I'd rather throw myself off the roof of this goddamn building than go to another class.

I walk into class moderately late and everyone's heads snap up to turn at me. I make my way to the seat my new teacher's pointing at me to go to as the faces around me become mere blurs. The thing about people is that they'll judge without ever bothering to get to know you. These kids were just my classmates. They were never going to be my friends.

I looked around the room to see if I recognized anyone but all the faces around me didn't light a spark in my brain. The teacher coughed loudly as a signal to gain our attention but right as she was about to open her mouth someone burst through the door.

"Hey, now it's a party!" shouted a random guy in the second row of the classroom as Antonio tilted his head to greet the teacher. Great, now I know somebody.

"Hey, Eagle!" he shouted pulling out the seat next to me before the teacher ordered him to move.

"That's someone else's seat," she scolded as he proceeded to lean back into it.

"Says who? You don't even know my name yet, miss," he responded.

"Okay, I see we have quite the smart young man here. So tell me, what's your name?" she asked beginning to toughen up.

"My name is Antonio but you can call me whatever," he said winking.

"Antonio," she said scrolling through her list before placing her finger on a name.

"It says right here that this seat belongs to Peyton. That person doesn't seem to be here today but that doesn't mean that you can just si-"

"Wait? He's not here?" Antonio asked.

"Doesn't seem like it," she replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked beginning to become worried.

"Positive," she replied getting fed up with his questions.

Antonio took out his phone in an instant before he began to pace as it rang.

"Excuse me you're not allowed to use your phone in this class. If you're calling your parents then you have to go to the off-" she began saying before being instantly cut off.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled.

"DON'T YOU DARE EVER TELL ONE OF YOUR PROF-" she started yelling back before a voicemail popped up on Antonio's phone.

"F*CK!" he shouted as tears started appearing around the corners of his eyes. He looked down at his phone one more time before sprinting out the door of the classroom and rushing down the stairwell. I had no idea where he was going but I wish he took me with him. Anywhere would be better than this shitty school.

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