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"You're back in school?" I texted PJ since he refused to talk to me during class. He was too busy bothering Eagle. Sure they're back together but that doesn't mean that she'll love him as much as he loves her. I doubt she even loves him at all.

"Yeah, Eagle brought me back," he replied.

"Good to have you back, thanks for telling me," I responded hoping that he'd sense my annoyance.

"Sorry about that. My dad broke my phone and I just recently picked up a new one. I'm just lucky that I could transfer all my contacts onto this one," he replied ignoring my feelings like always.

"Do you not understand how worried I was about you? I spent hours waiting for you to show up at the liquor store and the one night I built up the courage to knock on your parent's door they tell me that you were gone. I spent the whole night driving around looking for you and you couldn't have to me that you were okay?" I texted angrily. At least I think I was mad. I wasn't quite sure how I felt. I cared a lot about PJ and it hurt to see Eagle getting to care for him and take all of the credit when I've been the one helping him all along. Sure, he's not aware of how much I've done for him but that doesn't mean that he can just ditch me.

"It's just that ever since I've gotten back together with Eagle I don't have time for anyone else. I'm sorry that I didn't text you sooner. I don't see why you freaked out though. That was kind of unnecessary," he responded.

Draft Message:

PJ I think there's something wrong with me. You're right I have no clue why I freaked out so much when you went missing. I worry about you all the time and you couldn't care less about me. I was there with you through all your night terrors, breakdowns, and panic attacks and you couldn't bother letting me know that you were alright just because you were too busy with Eagle? You just don't get it. Every time I'm around you my knees get weak and I can barely breathe without having a panic attack. Butterflies rush around inside my stomach and I'm so afraid that I'll say something wrong that I either say something rude and out of context or nothing at all. I'm not even sure of my emotions so I don't blame you since you don't understand them either. All I know is that you're falling more and more in love with Eagle as every day passes. I don't know how I'd ever tell you and you'd think that I'm a complete freak if I ever admitted it but I think that I'm in love with you.

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