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Night one of sleeping next to PJ seemed to go pretty well. There was a minimal amount of discomfort and he seemed to be sleeping well throughout the night. It was decided by my parents that today would be a "family beach day." I changed into my bathing suit while PJ began to wake up.

"We're going to the beach today!" I said excitedly.

"Oh, ummm cool. I don't have a swimsuit. I'll just stay in the house," he replied gritting his teeth. Who the hell doesn't bring a swimsuit to the beach?

"There's no way my mom would let you stay by yourself inside the house. Here just borrow one of my suits. My mom packed like 5 because she's insane," I instructed throwing him a pair of swim trunks.

"Ugh fine," he replied laughing.

I strolled into the kitchen to find my brother's girlfriend cooking the family breakfast. She turned around to hand me a plate of eggs and bacon and did the same for PJ as soon as he walked into the room. The family discussed our plans for the day and led us to the beach soon after we finished our breakfasts.

"PJ, catch!" my brother shouted throwing him a bottle of sunscreen the moment we stepped onto the beach. I've never really used it myself but PJ was way too pale not to burn. He uncapped the bottle before spraying himself in the face.

"Aw, PJ! Antonio go help him!" my mom shouted at me for just standing by and watching.

PJ rubbed the mist out of his eyes as I began to spray his body. I finished his arms and began to pull off his shirt to spray his chest and back when I felt him tug on the bottom of his shirt.

"Can I leave it on?" he asked worriedly.

"I guess so," I replied confused. Why didn't he want to take his shirt off? He was decently toned so it's not like he was hiding any flaws.

My parents led us to a remotely sunny spot and began to lay out a tent and a few towels for us to sit on. My mom grabbed a magazine and began to read as my dad went to set up his paddle board.

"Want to have a competition?" I heard Mateo's girlfriend ask him.

"Sure babe, what is it?" he replied. Ew, disgusting.

"Let's try to find rocks that match each other's eye color!" she said smiling.

"That's a great idea!" he replied smiling back. Why would anyone want to participate in such a weird date idea?

"Hey, Antonio," I heard PJ say as my brother and his girlfriend ran off to begin their search.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Want to do what they're doing?" he asked.

"What? You mean rock hunting?" I asked. Did he seriously think that it would be fun?

"Yeah, it sounded cute to find rocks that matched each other's eye color," he replied smiling. Wow, who thought that PJ would enjoy something to stupid?

I watched as he ran off towards a group of wet rocks as I looked down at my feet. How was I supposed to find a rock that matched his eyes? His eyes were the purest types of baby blue. They looked like something that you'd find in the sky, not in a stupid rock.

I walked towards the water and began to dig through the wet sand in hopes to find something that resembled PJ's eyes. I turned to my left to see Mateo's girlfriend already holding a mix of different little stones. How did she find so many? I couldn't even find one! I turned to see Mateo and PJ also with quite a few rocks in their hands as well. Why was I so horrible at this?

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