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PJ worries about unnecessary things. For example, he told me that he feels bad about sleeping in my bed and that he could take the couch in our living room or the floor. I told him that he's not allowed to sleep on the couch since my parents don't trust him to be by himself and that he has to be with me so he might as well stay in my bed. I explained that I'd rather have him in my bed than on the floor. I'm sure he's slept on the floor before and having an actual spot to sleep would do him some good.

I told PJ that "this had been my home for 16 years. It doesn't matter where I sleep. You, however, are new to this family and our house doesn't feel quite like home to you yet. I insist that you sleep somewhere comfortable where you can actually get a good night's sleep for once."

After about 30 minutes of coaxing, PJ gave in. I don't understand why he doesn't feel like he should be treated like an actual human being. I'd probably blame that one on his parents.

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