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    So about that girl, Eagle. My best friend, PJ, is in love with her. He made one mistake but doesn't everyone make them? I wish she could just forgive him so he could go back to his old self but I know that things aren't that easy. What he did wasn't the worst but it wasn't the best either.

The thing about PJ is that he's my only close friend. I talk to everyone at school and host the most epic parties each year but I couldn't feel more lonely. While we don't talk about our emotions or share our deepest secrets I know he's there for me. Unlike the hundreds of kids who show up to my parties just for a good time.

While Eagle's been with almost my whole friend group she's no slut or anything like that. She's special and I can understand why PJ and now Blair are both her. She knows what she wants and aims for the moon. I feel like she knows that even if she doesn't make it to the moon she'll still land among the stars.

She's the kind of person who cares about herself more than others but not in a self-centered way. More like a person who won't stop until she's achieved her goals. I've watched as my friends have chased after her only to stumble over the same stones. The way to her heart is through her passion not through flirting but they're not smart enough to realize that. She listens to music more than she talks to people and I don't blame her. All that comes out of people's mouths these days are lies filled with betrayal. Music calms the soul and warms the heart. I don't blame her for wanting to escape from it all.

The only thing I wish is for her to share that feeling with PJ. He's gone off the deep end and I need someone to bring him back to the reality we live in. I just hope it's not too late to save him. I know that I can't help him but I have a feeling that she could.

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