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After driving PJ to our school he left me in a matter of minutes to go look for Eagle. This unhealthy addiction he had with her was really starting to affect his actions. I literally have done everything for that boy and all he cares about a girl who loves music more than people. Can't he see that she doesn't want to be bothered?

PJ should just move on and date someone else. He deserves someone who would actually care about him and understand his problems. Not someone who ditches her classes to hide in the practice rooms all day and never texts him back. He should be with someone who will treat him right and give him the affection that he never received from his parents. He should be with someone who will love him. Someone like me.

I got lost in my classes barely paying attention to anything the teachers said. Crowds of people overwhelmed me asking when the next party would be and saying that I'm "the man." Who cares what they thought of me though when none of them ever bothered to get to know me. They just wanted someone who put on an act. They wanted to see the future frat boy, best beer pong thrower, and the big man on campus. None of them wanted to see the real me. The boy who walked the long way home just so he could be alone. The boy who stayed up all night studying because he needs to get into college. The boy who has always been the shadow of his bigger, better, and older brother. On the other hand, it might have been better that no one's seen me in my moments of weakness. They were filled with emotions and no one wanted to deal with anyone's other than themselves. I'm just glad that no one ever saw the boy who stayed up all night crying because he thought that he just ruined the only real friendship he's ever had over a kiss.

My last class of the day greeted me with fake laughter and fake friends. The only real person I saw in the crowd of masks was Eagle. She sat in a row by herself, earbuds in, and not caring about anyone else around her. I wish I was able to think like her. While I don't act like it, I really do admire that girl.

I made myself at home pulling out the chair next to her and kicking my feet up onto the desk before the teacher interrupted me.

"That's someone else's seat," she chided. It was obvious that someone had already pissed her off today and I was about to be the second.

"Says who? You don't even know my name yet, miss," I replied testing my limits. I personally think it's hilarious when teachers snap at you. I was just toying with her to see how mad she'd get over something as stupid as sitting in the wrong seat.

"Okay, I see we have quite the smart young man here. So tell me, what's your name?" she asked.

"My name is Antonio but you can call me whatever," I replied giving her my signature wink.

"Antonio," she repeated looking through her seating chart.

"It says right here that this seat belongs to Peyton. That person doesn't seem to be here today but that doesn't mean that you can just si-" Peyton? As in PJ's actual name?

"Wait? He's not here?" I asked. Where could he be? I swear he was here. He told me that he'd focus on school this year and that he'd stop skipping like he did last year.

"Doesn't seem like it," she replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked. There's no way that he'd break the promise he made to my parents. He told them that he'd get his grades up so he could get into a good college and that nothing was going to stop him.

"Positive," she replied giving me some unnecessary attitude.

I whipped out my phone pressing one for speed dial as I rang for PJ praying that he'd pick up.

The teacher began to lecture me on why I shouldn't be using my phone in class but I was sick of her at this point. I shouted at her to leave me alone before getting sent to PJ's voicemail.

"F*CK!" I shouted as I ran out of the classroom door. I was excelling at a pretty decent speed when I lost track of where I was and rammed into some dude walking at the speed of a snail in front of me.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING ASSHOLE!" the person shouted back at me as I refrained from giving him my two sense back. I wiped off my shoes as I stood up soon realizing that I had run into Blair. SHIT. He can't see me in the state I was in right now.

"Antonio, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you crying?" he asked pointing out the obvious.

"No, I'm not crying. I just have seasonal allergies. By the way, have you seen PJ today?" I lied so he'd leave me alone. I just needed to get to the point.

"I think I saw him this morning in the music hallway but he left with some older dude that looked like a senior," He replied. Older man? No. It couldn't be.

"Did he have light brown hair and look like a slightly older version of PJ?" I asked practically having a heart attack.

"I think so," Blair replied as I bolted out the doors of the school. I had to get to the liquor store as soon as possible. If PJ's dad really came to drag him out of school I knew that the scene I was about to walk into wasn't going to be good.

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