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Eagle's parents weren't too pleased when they got an anonymous message from the school explaining that she was "failing." they forced her to come home for the night so she could study. As if one night could change a whole semester of bad grades. Trust me, I've been there. In my personal opinion, I didn't think that Eagle even needed to go to school. The only reason she showed up was to get into college but she could probably get in without the grades. Her playing was enough to carry her and learning dumb shit like the Pythagorean theorem was just slowing her down.

It felt wrong to sleep in Eagle's practice room when she wasn't around. I'm she that she wouldn't mind but it just didn't feel right. I thought that I'd be okay sleeping at my own place that night but the moment I walked through the door my parents just threw me back out. Sometimes I forget how shitty my home life is. Being around Eagle always brightened my mood and made my day x100 better. She made me feel important and being without her just for one night felt like an eternity. I was addicted to her and I couldn't stand being without her. Her love was my drug and I guess I couldn't live without it.

I didn't plan on unlocking the doors to my dad's liquor store. Additionally, It's not my fault that the liquor bottles missed me and were practically begging to be drank. I lost track of how many bottles I drunk and the night seemed to drag on longer than usual. Luckily, the liquor store had a visitor so I didn't have to be alone. I stumbled to the door opening it slowly as Antonio ran up to me surrounding me with his open arms. I fell into them instantly and I could feel myself being dragged into his car. The ride was short and I ended up in Antonio's bed by the time it was over. Flashbacks of summer hit me as I remembered all the time we spent together.

Being with Antonio was great but it didn't make me feel any better. I was still depressed when I talked to him and sleeping with him gave me minimal comfort. I'm not sure how he felt about me but he was most likely fed up with how many times I've crashed at his house and what a burden I've become.

"Hey, man. I'm sorry for always taking your bed and shit," I apologized.

"It's fine I don't mind," he replied nervously. Something was bothering him. Even if I was just the slightest bit tipsy he couldn't hide his emotions.

"Yes, you do. There's clearly an issue surrounding me and if you want me to leave I will. You don't have to care for me as much as you do and you'd probably be better off if you just left me at the liquor store. I'm nothing to you and you should just forget about me," I expressed. Everything he did for me was too much for me to handle and every now and again I just needed to bathe in my misery.

Antonio didn't respond at first. He just kind of looked me in the eye before raising his hand to my cheek. He stroked it gently before placing a kiss on my lips just like he had when we were at his brother's beach house.

"PJ, you're everything to me. Don't ever think anything less," he told me as he continued to kiss me.

As his lips pressed against mine I felt something that I didn't normally feel when I was with Eagle. When I kissed Eagle there was something missing. She felt empty and no matter what I did nothing seemed to help. It was almost as if she felt so much at one point that she just started to feel nothing. Unlike Eagle, Antonio's osculation was filled with burning passion as if he'd been starved. As his body ground against mine, I couldn't help but respond. I was starving for physical affection and I was taking whatever I could get. I guess giving all my love to Eagle and getting none in return hurt more than I thought.

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