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Months have passed since that one fateful night but nothing seemed to have changed. Blair and I haven't talked, Antonio and I have had minimal contact, Pj's been glued to me, and we've all been hiding something. I'm not sure who's hiding what but there's obvious tension between us all.

PJ and I haven't talked about what happened on our sides of that night. He has no clue what Blair did to me and I have no clue what his parents might've done to him. Blair seems mad that he didn't get to do whatever he was planning to me and his anger has gotten even farther out of anyone's control. Lastly, Antonio is still yet to reveal who he spent that one night with. You'd think that with all the drama surrounding junior prom people would be too busy to  butt into other people's business but it only seemed to draw more attention to the incident. People believe that whoever he takes to prom must be the girl he slept with but there's been no news of him asking anyone or even going.

Speaking of prom PJ hasn't even asked me to go with him yet. He's a bit late since it's just a few weeks away but I'm not complaining. I'm not a fan of public displays of affection and I'm sure that he'd do something really embarrassing and over the top. I've always hated the attention that couples got and I was glad that I'd gotten a good amount of time away from it.

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