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Does PJ really think that we're going to get married? Sure the necklace he got me was beautiful and he's happier than he's ever been in a long time. But, I don't think that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I wasn't big into marriage and where it did come across my mind Blair was always the first person I'd think of. Speaking of Blair, he's been out of the picture for quite a while now and I assumed that he was done with my life completely. That was until he came up to me accusing both PJ and I of things he's made up inside his head.

"Blair?" I asked confused as I heard his familiar voice call out from behind me.

"Uh...yeah," he replied unsure of himself.

"I saw what just happened. Are you happy now?" he asked. What just happened? Was he talking about PJ giving me the necklace? Was he being serious right now?

"Am I happy now? What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned.

"Well, you weren't happy with me so is being with PJ good enough for you?" Was this kid being serious right now? I was going to be the bigger person and just walk away but I didn't think that I could let him walk around not realizing how much damage he caused.

I tried my best not to shout and explain the situation to him. How he hurt me and how it caused an ongoing pain that I was still trying to get over. That friend with benefits wasn't for me. That his self-centered attitude was only hurting himself. And that he needed to wake up a look at the world around him. I slammed the door of the school just in time for him to accuse me of running off with PJ just for him to screw me over.

Part of me still had hope for Blair that he'd wake up and face his reality and that everything he's said to me came with consequences. But after the conversation I just had with him I don't think he's going to wake up anytime soon.

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