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I pounded against the doors of the Asklar family liquor store for a straight hour before losing all hope. Where the hell was he? I swear that PJ's dad would've dropped him off at the liquor store and left. Did he bring PJ home? I doubt it. Did PJ run away? I wouldn't blame him. I don't think that his dad cared enough to bring him home and running away did sound like the best option. But where could he even run? My house? Possibly. My house has been his home for quite a few months now and I was hoping that it would stay that way.

The liquor store wasn't giving me any luck so I ran home as fast as I could to find that he wasn't there either. I trudged into my room as if I had just lost a battle as my eyes wandered to the unmade covers that PJ slept in just one night before.

Later that night I slid myself underneath those same covers unable to put myself to sleep. PJ was gone. Well not technically gone. He was probably with his father but being lost would most likely be better for him. He shouldn't have to live inside that hell hole of a house. I've seen what his father was capable of and I had to get PJ back. He belonged in a better place. He belonged next to me.

At first, I thought that I was comforting PJ to help him sleep but as I lay in my bed with my eyes wide open at 3 am. I realize that he might've been helping me more than I could ever have helped him. I needed him next to me, falling asleep in my arms as I kept a tight grasp on him never letting him go. That's how things should've been but I let him go. I let him slip out of my hands and now he was gone.

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