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I woke up in the middle of the night unable to fall asleep without the comfort of another person next to me. I tossed and turned in my blanket nearly falling off the edge of my bed when something stopped me. I couldn't make out what it was and I wasn't in the mood to actually wake up. I'd spent so long trying to force myself to fall asleep that opening my eyes would be a waste of effort.

I assumed that it was a pillow and turned back to face the wall. I curled into a ball pulling my knees to my chest until my body forced itself to fall asleep.

That morning I woke to my mother's voice calling me to breakfast. I threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt as I blinked the sand out of my eyes and slowly made my way into the kitchen.

"I'm so glad you're awake. We've been waiting for a good hour. You were out cold!" my dad joked. I wasn't really in the mood and I had about 2 hours of sleep and I just wanted to go back to bed.

I yawned loudly as I grabbed a plate from the cupboard as my mom claimed that I was being disrespectful. Trying to keep my cool I asked her politely just how I was being rude whatsoever when she said that I was ignoring my guest.

"Guest?" I asked as I turned around to find PJ sitting at the table.

"Oh, sorry. Hey....PJ," I greeted awkwardly. How long has been here? Did he sleep with me last night?! I don't think I was even wearing clothes to bed last night. Shit. This was bad.

"Hey, sit down Antonio. What are you staring at?" my dad asked acknowledging how awkward I was.

I didn't' say one word while we ate and my parents pursued to ask PJ how he's been doing since they last saw him. I ignored their conversation for the longest time until I heard them compliment PJ's necklace. PJ never wore jewelry and last time I check he couldn't afford to buy any type of accessory.

"I love your necklace! What's it for?" my mom asked. I turned to look at it out of curiosity to find a 24 karat gold necklace spelling out PJ's first name. There's no way that he could ever afford that on his $-20 budget.

"I was going to give it to Eagle for my promsoal to her. Promise rings are overrated and I decided that I'll give her my first name until I can giver her my last," he replied as literally spit my juice out soaking the table.

"Antonio, what's up with you this morning? Clean up this mess and don't do that ever again. You've made a mess and now I can't eat my pancakes," my dad scolded clearly upset. I haven't seen him this annoyed in years and I wasn't about to push his buttons. I decided to head to my room as my parents continued to praise PJ.

Did PJ really see a future with Eagle? Did he think that they were going to get married? It sure sounded like it. I wanted to be happy for him. He sounded so cheerful when he told my parents his plans. For once he actually saw a future for himself. He's come a long way from never thinking that he'd amount to anything in life to wanting to be married. The only problem with his plan was that I wasn't a part of it. If he truly planned on marrying Eagle what would happen to me? Did I seriously mean nothing to him? It's not like I wanted to marry him or anything but I never imagined that he wanted to be with her until the day that he died.

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