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I told myself that I wouldn't give into Blair's attempts at flirting with me. My plan would've worked more efficiently if he didn't start singing to me. My instant response to his vocals was to grab my guitar and strum along to the tune.

As the chorus began to pick up Blair began creeping closer and closer to my face. His lips met mine as he forced his weight onto me pushing me back into my bed. His tongue began to intertwine with mine as he pried my hands from my guitar. The fragile fender made a soft thud onto my bedroom carpet as Blair deepened the kiss. I pulled out of his arms making a loud gasp that sounded way too much like a moan. SHIT NOT MY FUCKING GUITAR! I practically screamed in my head as I pushed him off of me to replace my guitar back on its stand.

Blair looked at me in confusion as I made my way back to the bed. I felt my balance becoming off center as I tripped on my distortion pedal and fell straight into Blair. Why is my luck like this? In response, he smirked and wrapped himself around me. I could feel him flipping me over and climbing on top of me as I tried to adjust the position I was in. Before I could unscramble my brain trying to understand what was happening his tongue was back inside my mouth. MY mouth. My own personal space for food and food only. I mean it could be worse though. At least our tongues were inside each other's mouths. I know it's pretty nasty but it's even grosser when people make out outside their mouths. I've seen people around school doing it and they look like ET touching the tips of their tongues together. Who ever thought that was sexy?

To be honest I wasn't quite sure what to do. I brainstormed a few possible ideas in my head but none of them sounded that great.

Option A) Make a highly awkward attempt to push him off of me and try to explain that he's being really strange.

Option B) Let him continue and let my tongue sit around like a limp noodle.

Option C) Just kiss back Eagle you're in fucking 16! This is normal¡

I decided that option C would end with less arguing/awkwardness so I just went with it. I'm not sure what normal people think about when kissing someone but I'm pretty sure they enjoy the moment. From what I've heard you're supposed to feel like flying as butterflies arise in your stomach. That's not at all what I felt.

My biggest concern of the moment was wondering how long this was going to continue. I didn't have any more reasons to pull out of the kiss and my breathing was a big concern. Was I supposed to just hold my breath? Dude, I have no idea.

Blair's attempt at French kissing reminded me of the first time PJ tried to do it with me. He didn't seem to know what exactly he should be doing with his tongue and he was just kind of licking me. I decided to let my tongue take the lead remembering what PJ had taught me when we were together. If Blair and I were going to actually make it out I might as well keep the cringiness to a minimum.

My skin grew goose bumps as my air conditioner finally decided to kick in. That piece of crap definitely needs to be replaced. A giant whiff of cool air hit my face as I began to crawl underneath my covers. I looked up to find Blair's face reddening as his lips turned into a smirk. I didn't care too much for whatever he was trying to do. I was far more bothered by the disgusting outfit he chose to wear. Blair normally had a decent taste in clothes. By decent, I mean the same 10 t-shirts on repeat. The shirt in question had never been worn by Blair in front of me before and I had to make sure it stayed that way.

"Blair take your shirt off," I instructed trying not to sound too demanding.

"Ohhh okay. Why might you ask?" He replied wiggling his eyebrows. This kid really needs to stop.

"Oh no, calm down dude. That color just looks absolutely horrible on you. Please for the life of me never wear yellow again," I answered. Trust me I wasn't trying to be smooth, I'm anything but smooth. His shirt was just too hideous not to make a comment about it. Who even sells fabric in that color?

Blair continued to follow me under the sheets as he pulled me into his arms. I could swear I could hear him talking to himself but I stopped paying attention after "I need to fix my boner" came into the conversation. If he was looking for a way to fix that problem I was most definitely not going to be the answer. I decided that pretending to be asleep was the best way out of that situation and it worked like a charm.

I laid my head on his chest in response to his embrace. I could feel his hands drift below my back but decided to ignore it. I waited in silence to see he was going to do anything weird to me while I was sleeping but I was surprised to see that he too had "fallen asleep." A small smile seeped through my lips as I began to think about us. Maybe things between us weren't as strange as I thought they were. Blair didn't seem to have a problem with what we've been doing so why should I? I had no clue what to call us or what we were but I was okay with that.

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