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"I don't think we should do this," was the line I started off with. I had asked Eagle to meet in our usual spot but this time it wasn't to ask her out. It was to end the relationship. I didn't know how she'd take it since I wasn't sure if she even wanted to go out in the first place so I prepared for the worst.

If she got upset at me for playing with her emotions I'd feel like a total asshole. On the other hand, she might say "I never liked you anyways." So which one was worse?

"Why not?" she asked showing no signs of being upset. She didn't seem thrilled but how was someone supposed to act in a situation like this?

"If we date we'll ruin our friendship. My mom said it happened to her and her best friend and I don't want what happened to them to happen to us. I'm sorry for doing this and I hope that I didn't hurt your feelings," I explained.

"Okay, I guess," she responded still holding a straight face.

"So are you okay if we don't date?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied. I guess that was her answer. It's not like I expected her to convince me that we should be together.

"Hey, dude. Are you okay?" she asked noticing how little eye contact I was making.

"Yeah, I'm a man. I don't cry," I replied. I let out a laugh hoping to lighten the situation but it was no use.

We turned our separate ways and I watched her leave without even looking back. I felt my eyes watering up and I tried to hold back my emotions. I'd be an idiot if I cried over a girl. I'm a man and a man doesn't cry over a breakup. But this wasn't just a breakup. It felt like I was losing my best friend. Now that was something worth crying about.

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