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It has been quite a while since I've woken up on the wrong side of the floor. Ever since Eagle and I had gotten back together I've woken up with her inside my arms. Instead of cracking open my eyes to her broken down practice room I woke up to a seemingly familiar scene. It was Antonio's room. I haven't been to his house since summer. What the hell was I doing here?

I tried my best to remember what had happened last night but I couldn't' recall anything after heading to the liquor store. I must've drunk myself to sleep or passed out and Antonio must've found me and brought me home like he normally does. I still have no clue why he cared so much about me. He should really move on with his life and just let me be.

I attempted to roll out of his bed only to find someone's arms wrapped around my waist. I turned to my side to find Antonio sound asleep holding onto me as if I was a pillow. I pushed him softly hoping he'd let go but it only caused him to squeeze me tighter. He nuzzled his head into my neck entrapping me in his grip as I sighed to myself. I looked around the room to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Everything seemed normal besides my clothes being stripped and on the floor. I wonder how that happened.

I looked down at Antonio to see his body covered in bright red blotches. I jumped back instantly falling onto the floor and landing on my bare ass. Shit, that hurt. What the hell was on him? I looked down at myself quickly to find my body unharmed (not counting the scars that were there previously) besides a small blemish on the side of my neck. I looked back at Antonio to see that he was completely naked and that his body was covered in eye-catching bruises. I cringed to myself at the sight and threw a blanket on top of him so I wouldn't have to look at that horrifying sight any longer.

I grabbed the clothes that I assumed I wore the night before buttoning my shirt up as I ran into Antonio's bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror as I splashed my face with cold water. The feeling of cold water woke me up immediately as all of my senses awakened.

My appearance was decent besides my everyday bed hair that Eagle usually fixed. The house was silent beside Antonio's heavy breathing and it didn't sound like his parents were up yet. Normally, I'd smell eggs and bacon sizzling on the stove but all I could smell was straight up sex.

I rummaged around Antonio's cupboard for a few minutes trying to get my life together and drenching myself in his cologne. I licked my lips in disgust and the mist almost choked me. My lips were covered in the cherry chapstick that Antonio used to lend me and flashbacks of last night were slapping me in the face.

I tried my best to push them out of my mind as I slipped out of Antonio's bedroom window. I had no clue what I'd do when he woke up to the mess that was last night. I ran as fast as I could to school swinging open the door to Eagle's practice room I grabbed her immediately hugging her tightly and letting her sit on my lap as she combed through my messy hair.

I scanned her face to see if anything was off and something was definitely wrong. Something must've happened last night and I wasn't the only one left scarred and confused. She seemed upset but was trying her best to hide her misery. She had look on her face as if someone just broke her heart and she was trying to tell herself that she was okay.

I would've asked her what happened last night but I decided that it might be too soon. It didn't seem like she was jumping at the opportunity to discuss our previous endeavors and I most definitely wasn't looking forward to sharing my side. I missed her beyond belief and I didn't know what I'd do without her. I felt alone and I just needed her wrapped up in my arms again. Turns out that I wasn't alone though. It just wasn't her who I ended up waking up to in the morning. By leaving me alone for a night I ended up cheating on the love of my life with my best friend. Now that wasn't something any of us would be getting over anytime soon.

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