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Should I have ignored PJ? That would be a good idea based on how he acted during prom. Sure he pissed me off but I still cared about him. It sounded like he was desperate and I doubted that he went to Antonio's house to stay over. If he wasn't with Antonio that only meant one thing. He was at the liquor store.

I sighed and grabbed the keys to my car. The light was beginning to peek out of the sky and I had barely slept through the night. I guess I could always just take a nap. I was Saturday, wasn't it? I debated turning around. Part of me wanted to. Why was I driving at the break of dawn to PJ's house just to save him from his own self-pity? That wasn't my job and we were barely even together? I felt as if I was more of his caretaker rather than his girlfriend.

As I pulled into the parking lot of his father's liquor store there was no sign of life. The lights weren't on. No one was moving. Maybe PJ went to sleep. I walked up to the door to only find it locked. The room was pitch black and there was nothing to be seen. Was PJ even in there? He could've gone home or even go to Antonio's. I could just leave but I should at least check.

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and pressed it against the liquor store glass. I saw a couple of smashed bottles and a few beers spilling out onto the floor. What the hell even happened in there? I still couldn't see PJ until I caught a glimpse of a finger. I turned my camera immediately to the corner of the room to find him lying on the floor surrounded by a puddle of spilled drinks and his own saliva.

"PJ!" I shouted but no one responded.

Was he just sleeping? No. something was wrong. He looked paler than normal and his stomach wasn't rising to show any breathing.

"SHIT!" I shouted but no one heard me. My heartbeat began to race and my whole body began to shake. I could barely breathe and shouting for help was no use. No one was there to hear me. My phone! I thought as I reached into my pocket to find nothing. Where the hell was my phone?

I ran to my car to see it laying the passenger seat. I reached to unlock my car to find that I left my car keys inside as well. My hands shook the handle my car repetitively and fear began to consume me. PJ was inside the liquor store laying on the floor and it didn't look too good. My phone was inside my car and my keys were locked inside.

I looked around to see a few large rocks on the side of the curb and ran over to grab one. I felt my hands trembling as I gripped it tight and threw it at my car's window. It shattered immediately and I reached inside to grab my phone ignoring the broken glass cutting my skin. I tried to dial 911 as fast as I could but my fingers were frozen. They felt numb and I couldn't feel anything. My hands were shaking and I dropped my phone on the concrete. The screen cracked at the impact of the harsh ground but I picked it back up and dialed 911.

When they answered the words help me could barely pour out of my mouth. My voice was silenced and I couldn't make out where I was. I was in tears and my chest felt like it was on fire. I was freaking out and anxiety was consuming me but if I didn't act quickly who knows what could happen. I was able to make out the address without stuttering the only thing left was telling them was happening.

"My um...boyfriend is inside the liquor store passed out on the floor. The door is locked but it doesn't look like he's breathing and he's insanely pale. I don't know what to do. Please help me!" I spit out in one breath.

"Okay, calm down. Is there any way you could get into the store to see if he's conscious. He's most likely suffering from some alcohol poisoning and you need to see how responsive he is immediately," the person on the other end of the phone stated calmly. How the hell could they be so calm at a time like this?!

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