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My night with Eagle didn't go the way I wanted it to and seeing her the next day at school was definitely not something I was looking forward to. She seemed pretty upset with me and I still couldn't figure out why.

I spotted Antonio as I was walking into school and asked how things went for him. His job was to keep PJ away from Eagle and I doubt that he didn't try to escape at least once.

"I prefer not to talk about it," he replied.

"Come on you can tell me. What is there to hide?" I asked. What could've possibly happened anyways?

"Nothing, I just don't want to talk about it," he responded still trying to hide something. As we talked I noticed him shaking anxiously as he pulled at the bottom of the scarf he was wearing. Something was definitely off.

"Why the hell are you wearing a scarf?" I asked out of curiosity. I doubted that it was important but the conversation wasn't going anywhere anyway.

"Can't I wear something without people bothering me about it?" he asked defensively. He really needed to calm down. Antonio's usually so chill and relaxed. Why was he flipping out over what he chose to wear?

"It's like 80 degrees out man, you're going to sweat a lot," I added laughing.

"Just leave me alone," he replied as he began walking away.

"Hey, you don't have to be so rude! What happened to you?" I asked tailing after him. The closer I crept up behind him the faster he moved away.

"Okay, I'm sorry for saying that. You're just acting super weird!" I apologized as I ran after him. No one seemed to like me anymore and I was getting on everyone's last nerve. First, it was Eagle, now Antonio. Who else?

"Wait!" I shouted as he turned a corner in an attempt to lose me. Luckily I grabbed the tail of his scarf pulling it off of him as he came to a quick halt.

"Blair, give me my scarf back," he demanded. What was his problem? If Eagle thought I've changed then she definitely hasn't run into Antonio on a bad day. It was almost as if he was a completely different person.

"Only if you'll tell me what's going on with you. It's not like you to act lik-" I began saying before he cut me off.

"Blair, you know nothing about me. Don't start talking to me as if you've known me forever," he said turning around and grabbing the other end of his scarf. I looked up to see him tearing up just like he had when I bumped into him in the hallway. I guess his allergies really were bad.

"Dude, what the hell happened to you!?" I asked noticing the bruises covering his neck. I stood up meeting him eye to eye as I examined his injury. Did he get into a fight with someone? Did PJ do this to him? That must've been what he was hiding! Antonio was PJ's best friend and I doubt that he'd rat PJ out for being violent. I wouldn't be surprised if PJ attacked him or something. I doubt that anyone would be. The only person he's kind to is Eagle and it seemed as if she was too blind to see his true colors.

"Hey, if PJ did this to you, you should tell someone. Anyone in this school could testify for his violent behavior," I recommended hoping that he'd settle down now that I knew what he was hiding.

"Blair. You really need to shut the fuck up. You know nothing about him and you know nothing about me. Additionally, I heard what happened with you and Eagle and if I wasn't such a nice guy I'd be reporting you in for your violent behavior," he declared angrily before snatching his scarf out of my hands and storming away.

What the hell was his problem? Why did he think I was the one being aggressive? I did nothing violent towards him or even to Eagle. If anything he was the one acting harshly towards me.

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