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I didn't want to go to school today. I knew that PJ was going to give Eagle his necklace and the whole school would be cheering for them. I didn't want to fake a smile and I don't think I could stomach PJ's happiness. I decided to just sit in the bathroom attempting not to cry as the commotion from the hallway seeped through the walls of our school.

"Aye, Antonio what's good?" I heard someone asked as the bathroom door creaked open. I recognized the voice as Blair's as assumed that he couldn't stand to see Eagle and PJ together either.

"What's good? Nothing's been good for a while," I replied not even attempting to hide my sour mood.

"If you're upset about what happened with PJ and Eagle I feel the same way," he began saying until I cut him off.

"You feel the same way? How so?"I asked sarcastically. I really wanted to know how this kid could possibly think that we felt the same way.

"I want to be with Eagle just as bad or even more so than you ever will and I know how much it hurts to see her with a guy like PJ," For a second I was confused when he said that I liked Eagle. That's when I remembered that no one knew how I really felt. How I was slowly falling head over heels for my best friend. I decided not to mention it.

"A guy like PJ. what does that mean?" I asked wondering how Blair could be so sure of himself that he could assume how other people were and felt.

"Well, he's an asshole. We all know that. He treats her like shit and she deserves better," He said laughing. Did his dumbass really think that this was a joke?

"Okay, before I lose my temper let's get a few things straight. PJ is not an asshole. He has his moments but he's no asshole. He treats Eagle like shit you say? How so? He's been nothing but kind to her. He literally suggested that he wanted to marry her and he does everything for her. Eagle deserves better? Maybe so. But, it's not like she even wants to be in a relationship let alone in one with you. So, I think that you should take your little assumptions and shove them up your ass because you know nothing about them," I stated before leaving Blair in the bathroom. The commotion had died down by now and I don't think that I'd be able to listen to one more of Blair's smart remarks.

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