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    Eagle never texted me about the kiss. I wasn't sure if she was waiting for me to say something but I couldn't take the constant worrying if I messed everything up. I opened her contact asking if she wanted to meet between our houses to talk and she agreed almost instantly. While our houses were practically next to each other our bus stops were still separate. It never made any sense since it was barely a minute walk from her house to mine but I never questioned anyone about it. The two of us would usually just laugh about how I had to wait an extra 15 seconds to sprint home.

I ran out of my house immediately not realizing that I left my social skills inside. I saw Eagle already walking down the pathway that connected our two houses and I sprinted to meet her.

"Hey," she greeted me and that's where my enthusiasm came to a quick halt. I remembered that the last time I saw her I'd kissed her and neither of us had discussed it since. My whole body suddenly filled with nervousness as my legs felt weak and I wanted to turn around and sprint back to my house. I was honestly considering it until Eagle asked the question that we were both wondering.

"What did you think about the kiss?" she piped up. She must've noticed my anxiousness and decided to start off the conversation. The only problem about her asking me was the fact that I had to answer the question we both had first. Ever since we were little Eagle and I made a rule that if one of us asks the other a question whoever asked it gets an answer first. We're not allowed to butt in and repeat the asked question and expect them to give their opinion first. We used to fight about it all the time so the rules were burned into my brain.

While I knew how our little game worked I somehow still decided to repeat the question asking it back to her. I knew she'd probably just remind me of our rule but my anxiety thought it would give me a few extra seconds to think.

"I thought it was cute," she replied catching me off guard. I doubted that she'd actually answer. Ever since we made the rule neither one of us gave in or broke it. Today was the first time.

"Really?" I asked squinting in confusion. That horrible spur of the moment bus kiss was cute?

"I mean how couldn't it have been? First kisses are always really cute," she said reminding me it had been my first kiss.

"Really Eagle? All of them? How about your first kiss?" I asked smirking.

"Oh gosh, we don't talk about that," she said her eyes widening as she remembered the moment.

I grinned at her embarrassment until we locked eyes. Everything seemed to stop when she asked me the question again.

"What did you think about the kiss?" She asked reminding me that I still had to answer the question.

"Well, it was obviously not amazing. I mean I don't have anything to compare it to but I know it could've been better," I responded giving a simple answer. I had a list of things I wanted to tell her but I didn't know if I would be able to. I've never told her anything about how I felt and I wasn't sure how she'd take it.

"Well no duh, it wasn't amazing. Did you have any other thoughts about it though?" she asking acknowledging the fact that I was hiding something from her yet again.

"Remember when we kissed like two years ago at Antonio's party?" I asked her. It was the summer of 8th. Grade and it was just like any typical get-together. Party games, jokes, and tons of laughing. During the commotion, I'd been somewhat dared to kiss Eagle and I did it just to do it. I didn't think it would open my mind up about how I really felt about her. During that kiss, I felt alive. Something inside me had been ignited and I didn't know why I felt that way.

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