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Medication. That's what I needed to talk to Eagle without getting anxiety. It's pretty sad that it's come to this but I guess I have to do whatever it takes. From what I've noticed the medication seems to be working. My words come easier, flow smoother, and are definitely getting me places. By places, I mean Eagle's bed that is.

No, we haven't done anything. Yes, I am working on it. I can't tell if Eagle's playing hard to get but she's definitely doing something to keep me guessing. It's not like she's telling me to stop visiting her so until that day comes I'll keep showing up at her window.

It's been about a month since I started stopping over her place so I decided that it was about time to take it to the next level. I gave my good pal wiki how a good look over before taking a small blue capsule and heading to her house.

The first step I had on my to-do list was to set the mood. I doubt that Eagle would even want to pay attention to me unless I had to do something with music. I swear that's the only thing that girl cares about. I remembered her complimenting my singing a while ago and decided to start with that.

Play that song didn't seem to go too well with Eagle's eardrums so I had to pick out something more romantic. Luckily Niall Horan didn't disappoint with his latest hit. In a matter of minutes, Eagle's body was against mine. I started out with a kiss checking to see if she was in the right state of mind. She responded kissing back and I knew that it was time to go in for the kill.

I managed to slip my tongue in for just a second before she pulled out of the kiss letting out a really loud moan. Damn, that was hot. I watched as she pushed me off of her only to return practically throwing herself onto me.

I took this as an opportunity to establish dominance as I climbed on top of her leaving a trail of love bites along her neck. My lust began to rise the moment my shirt came off and I didn't know if I could hold back any longer.

The night was soon led into the covers as Eagle pulled at them making her way underneath. I followed her lead as I was hit with a mixture of heat from our bodies and her blankets. I wrapped my arms around her back as I pulled her body closer to mine. She proceeded to rest her head on my bare chest as I tightened the embrace. I looked down to find a smile on her face as she began to doze off to sleep. Damn, why does she always fall asleep so easily?

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