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Nobody cared. My best friend was dead and the best people could do was give me an "I'm sorry for your loss." I knew that the human race was falling apart but this was a new low. Did anyone know what true loss was? I guess you'll never know until it happens to you. I never thought that I'd have to stand over the casket holding someone I spent every waking moment caring for. Nothing was okay and as the day went on everything just got worse.

The school board showed up, the student council, and even the mayor. Everyone wanted to say their goodbyes to the poor boy whose life just ended a little too early. The whole scene bothered me and it still wasn't clear in my mind that PJ was gone.

I think Eagle felt the same way. She was the one who was dating PJ when he died. Sure she wasn't infatuated with him like I was but she did love him. She wouldn't have done as much for him as she did if her feelings weren't there. My pain was probably only half of what hers were. At least I didn't have to feel his motionless body in my arms as he slowly passed from one world to the next.

Just as I thought that the day couldn't get any worse they showed up. I was wondering if they would even dare show their faces. I guess that had to put on a show that they actually cared that their son was dead.

PJ's parents strolled into the funeral as if it was just another random so long to an unfortunate soul. They didn't even acknowledge PJ's casket as they made small talk with the mayor. I bet that PJ's dad was trying to promote himself and his store as if his only son didn't die lying on the floor covered in booze.

I saw the mayor motion for someone to get a microphone and PJ's father stepped onto the small podium in the middle of the event. Everyone immediately silenced themselves and turned their eyes to him.

"Hello everyone. It's nice to see that these many people have come to bid my son farewell," he began.

"As you all know, PJ was a tortured soul and he was never truly meant to be put on this earth in the first place. His drinking addition was one of his many flaws and his death was inevitable." he finished as he placed the microphone back into the stand. He started to walk away without making contact with anyone else. I could see that he was trying to return back to his beat up Chevy pickup when I couldn't contain my anger any longer.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I shouted.

"Your only son is dead and this is how you chose to act? You don't even care that he's gone. You just want to put up an act in front of the crowd as if you were an actual parent to him!"

"I cared enough to show up," his dad replied. I was beginning to get flustered and I couldn't think of anything smart to say, he was turning back around when I heard someone else add to the argument.

"Aw come on. Are you really just going to lie to everyone like that Mr. Asklar? You only showed up to ask the mayor if you could get the window the liquor store repaired," I heard Eagle say. I wasn't expecting her to say anything but I was glad that she did. If it wasn't for her he'd already be gone.

"And whose fault is it that it was broken in the first place Miss Widow to be," PJ's dad snarkily replied.

"I was just trying to save the little bit of life that your son still had. By the time I got to him he was already dead. He died in that liquor store and the most you care about is if the window I broke to save him can be fixed?" she asked remaining surprisingly calm. If I were her I would've slapped him by now. I had no clue how she could remain so content.

"Well isn't that sweet. Too bad you couldn't save him. He's dead now so all that resulted from your destructive behavior was insurance bills for me to cover. Now that doesn't sound too fair to me now does it?" he asked matching her mild tone. I couldn't take it any longer. PJ's funeral was supposed to be a peaceful ceremony where his soul could reach the heavens. Not somewhere where the man who made his life so miserable could come bash in and ruin that.

"And what do you think made him that way? Maybe if you were a better father he'd still be alive!" I screamed at him. I was furious now and I wasn't going to stop shouting until everyone knew the truth about PJ's dad.

"All you've ever cared about was money and your stupid liquor store. You never paid any attention to PJ unless you were using him as your own personal punching bag. If you look at the body it's a mess. His ribs are scattered, bruises cover it, and slash marks are beaten into it for all eternity. Who wouldn't think that the marks you beat into his skin would die with him?" I let out in one large breath. I was panting and everyone was staring at me.

"Why do you care? Is it because your precious little plaything is gone. Don't think that I didn't figure out what you two would do. I mean why else was he in your bed every single night for the past year?" he said chuckling. I was about to lose control of myself and I didn't even care. My feet sprung off of the ground and I ran towards him. I could feel my fist connect with his face and Eagle pulled me back.

"Stop pretending to be a loving dad. It's too late for that! 17 years too late."

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