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Eagle's been attached to Pj ever since they got back together. He doesn't let her out of his sight and I haven't been able to talk to her in about a month. I'm positive that they're not staying at Eagle's house because every time I check she's nowhere to be found. Her bedroom will be completely empty and there has been no sign of human behavior for quite a while. Her guitar began collecting dust and her bed has been neatly made for far too long.

According to Antonio, they're not staying at PJ's place either. He didn't give me many details but from what I can interpret his family isn't the best. It would make sense since they raised a pretty shitty kid.

Antonio and I are both worried about their well being and have brainstormed a few ways of getting them apart. Our final plan came down to calling Eagle's parents saying that we were worried about her. As we predicted her parents forced her to go home that night instantly separating her and PJ. As we watched Eagle make the lonely drive home without her man candy Antonio left in his car to pick up PJ and bring him to his house. He was sure that PJ would agree to stay at his place rather than his home and it would be a good way to keep an eye on him. The last thing I wanted was for PJ to bust in on me and Eagle.

I haven't asked him yet but I'm pretty sure he likes Eagle. I don't need any more competition besides PJ so I made sure Antonio would be nowhere near her when we split them up. I assigned him to PJ watching duty to make sure that I was the only one getting to see her that night.

Once our plan was set into action I headed to Eagle's house the moment the clock struck 12. I snuck out of my bedroom window just like old times wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts. It was a bit cold out since the seasons were changing from summer to fall but I didn't mind. I kept in mind the thought of Eagle and I curled up inside her covers to keep me warm. As I planned Eagle was sitting on the ground playing her guitar strumming violently as I cracked open the window. She didn't notice me at first but once she did she looked quite mad that I interrupted her practice.

"Blair what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Just visiting. We haven't talked in months," I said. You'd think that she'd miss me just the slightest bit.

"Blair, leave," she said pointing to the window I broke open.

"WHY?" I asked getting mad. Why should I leave? Why didn't she want this? Why didn't she want us? I could feel my anger building up as every second passed in between our responses.

"Why do I need to explain myself? Can't you just take a hint?" she asked. Was she playing hard to get? If so, I could definitely take a hint.

I walked closer to her grabbing the guitar out of her hands and throwing it across the room. The strings vibrated loudly as the instrument slammed into the walls. Could that piece of junk just shut up already!? It was making too much noise and I didn't want to hear it.

Eagle moved to the side as I approached her which only caused me to push her against the wall. I leaned in to kiss her as she turned her face to the side causing me to hit her cheek. Why was she being so stubborn? I grabbed face beginning to get furious that she wasn't cooperating as I forced my tongue into her mouth. I invited myself under her shirt stroking her skin as I explored the insides of her cheek when I felt her viciously bite down on my tongue.

"F*CK!" I shouted. THAT HURT.

"BLAIR, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!" she shouted fiercely.

I grabbed her wrist as she began to walk away thinking that our time was over. She never had any time for me anymore and I was sick of being thrown to the side. I wanted us to be together and she wasn't cooperating. I turned her to face me pursuing to kiss her when I felt a harsh slap across my cheek.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU'RE NOT THE SAME PERSON THAT GREW UP WITH AND YOU'RE MOST DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO USE ME AS SOME TYPE OF TOY!" she shouted before shoving me towards the window. I wouldn't continue to go after her but something she said got to me. Am I not the same person anymore? What happened to me? Have I really changed that much?

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