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An anonymous caller gave my parents the idea that I'm failing out of school. They dragged me home immediately and snapped one of my guitar chords as a punishment. First of all, a D isn't failing. Secondly, I knew that my teachers didn't care enough about my life to call my parents about my grades so who's smart idea was this?

The only good thing about being in my old room was getting to reconnect with my guitar. I hadn't played it since I started living in my special practice room and I preferred not to come back to my house to get it. I didn't want to deal with my parents asking where I've been but it turns out that they didn't even care anyways.

I started off the night with a few classic favorites like some good old Green Day, AC/DC, and All Time Low. I wasn't far into my practice session before Blair realized that I was back and decided to invite himself in. Why'd he have to come harass me? I thought he forgot about me anyways. I haven't talked to him in months and it's not like he's bothered enough to text me or anything.

"Blair, what are you doing here?" I asked trying to remain calm. I was already upset that he was interrupting my practice time and I just wanted him to leave.

"Just visiting. We haven't talked in months," he explained. Sure we haven't talked in a long time but that's his problem, not mine. I was the one who tried to say hi to him in the hallway but Mr. bigshot thought he was too cool to say anything back.

"Blair, leave," I said becoming tired of him.

"WHY?" he shouted angrily. How'd his mood change so quickly? What was up with him?

"Why do I need to explain myself? Can't you just take a hint?" I asked since he couldn't tell that I was already becoming sick of this conversation.

I felt the floorboards shake underneath me as Blair moved closer to me before fighting with me for my guitar. He overpowered me taking it out of my hands and casually throwing it into the wall as if it meant nothing to him. That instrument meant everything to me and it helped me become the musician I was today. How could he treat it as if it had no importance whatsoever?

I could hear the sound of my strings snapping as the neck caved in. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as it fell to the floor knowing that the guitar I grew up with for the past 7 years was now broken. I began to walk towards my baby when Blair threw me against the wall. I saw him leaning in for a kiss and I dodged it immediately before he clutched my face in his hands turning me to face him. He pried my mouth open letting his tongue enter as his hand caressed my stomach. I could feel him beginning to take my shirt off and I wasn't about to let him get away with this. He was not welcome and I didn't appreciate what he was doing so I bit his tongue as hard as I could hoping that he'd understand that I didn't want him here and leave.

"F*CK!" he shouted out of pain most likely waking up everyone inside the house.

"BLAIR, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!" I screamed losing my chill. He was far past the line of things that were okay and he needed to be stopped.

I began to walk to my door hoping that he'd leave when he seized my wrist pulling me back into his grasp. He leaned into my face hoping to steal another kiss when I slapped him as hard as I could.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU'RE NOT THE SAME PERSON THAT GREW UP WITH AND YOU'RE MOST DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO USE ME AS SOME TYPE OF TOY!" I shrieked as tears streamed down my face. I practically pushed him out the window and slammed it tightly making sure to double lock it shut.

I didn't want him disturbing my practicing and I most definitely didn't want him entering my room. Those were reasonable strikes but once he tried to pull moves on me I was done. At least I thought I was. That was until he invited himself under my shirt and I lost it. I hated people touching me in general and the fact that he thought that it was okay to do whatever he wanted to freak me out on a new level. I fell asleep feeling dirty that night and I was disturbed by what had happened. If only I could've stayed in my practice room instead of being forced to sleep in my room. I would've fallen asleep in PJ's arms as he told me how much he loved me while respecting my boundaries.

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