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As I walked into the first day of junior year of high school I noticed how much everyone's changed. I mean not to the point they're unrecognizable but something about everyone around me seemed different. As I walked the halls no one's eyes were fixated on me as I made my way to my locker. I looked around in hopes to spot a friend, just one would be okay. I was beginning to feel way too uncomfortable by myself when I spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Eagle.

I wasn't quite sure what to say since our last conversation didn't end well. Should I try to start fresh? Maybe she didn't remember what happened. It was quite a while ago, probably at least a week. I watched as she made her way to the music hallway. The practice rooms were her home and I don't think I've ever seen her not inside one of them. I debated on following her but I decided that I'd just talk to her later. I wouldn't want to disturb her practicing. She'd slit my throat if I interrupted her.

I pre-decided that I could just stop by her house after school and everything would go back to normal. As for now admiring her from afar would suffice.

Everything about her was perfect.

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