Part 1

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NOTE - This story is a pure work of fiction! No offence to Army folks, Doctors, lawyers, engineers, religious groups and even commoners!

All the scenes and characters in this story are fictitious! There is no resemblance to any real incident or real/dead persons!


PART - 1

(Warning - 18+ Matured contents)

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"Where There Is Love, There Is Life"

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"Darling, I love you...but I really have to go now. Today is my sister's wedding..." Arjun tried to untangle himself from his girlfriend's tight wrap but she didn't let him go.

"No, stay" she grabbed his neck and pulled him down to kiss his lips. She pressed his lower lip between her lips and started chewing it and he did the same with her upper lip.

"Babe, please try to understand. My mom has already called me thrice. I have to go now." Arjun's mom had asked him to get garlands but he ditched that job for his girlfriend.

"First you bang me to the bed post and then you are free to go" she said biting her lower lip seductively.

"Kathy, you said you were sick and that's why I came here to see you"

"Yes, I am sick. My body is aching for your touch so please cure me" Kathryn said batting her long eyelashes. She pulled the strap of her bra down and with her arms she pressed her breasts together so that they look full and sexy. Arjun let out an audible groan before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and pulling them down his legs. He kicked of his pants on the floor followed by his boxer brief.

"Come on, babe, take me with you" Kathryn invited him lustfully and he launched himself on her, taking her full breast in his mouth. While he was busy devouring her breast, she guided him into her cave.

"Ah, this is fucking amazing... better than any drug I take" Kathy moaned in pleasure when he started moving in her.

"Bang me hard, babe" she said and dug her heel on his behind pushing him forward. He gave her thrust after thrust and pushed her further till her head hit the bedpost. She entwined her fingers in his hair and yanked tightly tipping his head up and then she pushed his head down to capture his lips.

"Oh fuck! This is getting better and better..." he hissed and hungrily osculated her mouth and darted his tongue in to suck in her sweetness.

Once they were done the deed and sedated, she pushed him off her body ruthlessly and sat up on the bed not at all bothering to cover her naked body with the thin bedsheet as she seemed so confident about her body. "Now go wherever you wanna go" she dismissed him just like that.

"Would you like to come with me to my sister's wedding?" Arjun asked hopefully.

"Who will take a 'fuck buddy' to their family function?" Kathy asked mockingly.

"You are not my fuck buddy. You are my girlfriend" Arjun growled getting offended with her constant denial.

"You think" she rolled her eyes and watched him pull his pants on. "You forgot to put your boxers." She reminded him.

"Oh shit! I don't have time to wear it now so you take it" he kicked the boxer from the floor and it travelled in the air for two seconds before landing on Kathy's head like a crown.

Book II - Darling, I Love You (Part One - Completed)Where stories live. Discover now