Part 64

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Part - 64


"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart"


After having their breakfast in the restaurant at the resort they were staying, Veer took Inayat out for sight-seeing in a hired RE bike. He wanted to hire a car but Inayat insisted on going in a bike and it was a 'dream come true' moment for Veer as he always wished to take his wife on a bike ride but due to her fear of being touched or being in close proximity with opposite sex, he had put that wish on hold so far.

They didn't need a tourist guide as Veer was familiar with the routes to all the famous places in Goa as he had been there so many times while he was in college.

They visited Aguada fort, Cathedral church, State Museum of Goa, and Buddhist caves before taking a break for lunch.

After that, he took her to a dolphin spotting cruise trip which she enjoyed the most.

And now they were on the road again heading to a beach.

"That's the club I drank alcohol for the first with my friends and... got arrested." Veer said feeling embarrassed as he rode by that club.

"You got arrested? What for? Drinking?" Inayat asked wide-eyed gripping his shoulders extra tight.

"No! I hit a guy who bothered a girl in the dance floor but later it transpired that he was her boyfriend. And she loved to be abused I think because she called the police and got me arrested for hitting that asshole who treated her like shit. That bitch seriously ruined my 21st birthday you know." Veer cussed still not getting over with that incident.

"Veer!" Inayat slapped his shoulders surprising him. She had never behaved with him like that and he wasn't complaining at all. "Too much of filth is coming out of your mouth." She scolded as if he was a teenage boy.

"Er... Sorry"

"What happened then?"

"I told them my dad was a police commissioner. They verified my background and found out I was telling the truth. They called my dad and told him everything before letting me go scot free." He grinned as he glanced at her.

"You would have disappointed your parents."

"I did." He agreed. "Maa was mad at me for drinking and getting myself into trouble. Naira was like 'serves you right for thinking about celebrating our birthdays without me.' Dadi and Arjun were upset for not getting any goodies for them from Goa." He shook his head thinking how crazy his family was. "Apparently they love Goa's famous salt and spicy cashew nuts. We have to get it for them this time."

"What about abu?"

"Dad was kinda shocked at first. He didn't expect that from me but he didn't judge me either. He believed in me that I could do no wrong."


"Yeah. He didn't like me using his name and power but he understood why I did that too. He just asked me not to make drinking a habit, just to keep it occasionally but maa scolded him and strictly ordered me not to drink ever again."

"But you still drink!" She stated getting upset. If there was anything she didn't like about her husband then it would be his drinking habit though he had never drank having her around.

"Yes, I do and maa knows that. Initially I gave up drinking for her but once I joined the army I started again. Dad made her understand that certain amount of alcohol is necessary to keep myself warm in that cold climate and it's also a polite social norm there. Hope you will understand too." He said glancing behind at her. She nodded her head. "But maa asked me not to drink when I am home and I agreed to it."

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