Part 53

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Part - 53


"What once were two, are one"


Veer took a two minutes shower and came out of the bathroom wearing only track pants and no shirt on. His body and hair were dripping wet but he didn't bother to dry them.

"Inayat?" He called out when he couldn't find her in the bedroom. He walked out of the room and saw her waiting for him at the dining table.

"Dinner is ready" she said without looking at him.

"But who is hungry?"

"Um... Me... Uh... You?" She meekly replied as she looked up at him and quickly looked down when she found him naked up waist.

Why is she prolonging things?

Why can't we just go to bed?

"Sure" he came to her side, pulled out a chair and sat on it.

"You want to eat the cake first?"

I want to eat you first.


"Okay" she served him rice and chicken curry on his plate. "Your hair is wet" she stated.

"Oh" he acted as if he didn't know that and then suddenly he jerked her closer to him and rubbed his head against her belly wiping off the wetness using her cloth.

"Ah Veer... You are making me wet" she gently pushed his head off her belly but didn't let his head go. She slowly dragged her long and thin fingers down his head to his neck and finally settled her palms on his fine shoulders.

"That's exactly what I am intending to do. Make you wet." He said huskily.

Oh my!

She looked scandalized hearing his naughty comment.

"Eat..." She tried to gulp down her saliva but it was hard because her mouth had gone dry.

"Hmm" he hummed and once again pulled her closer to him and pressed his mouth against her belly and kissed her there, soundly. "Your white dress is transparent now." Thanks to you for wetting it, Veer. "I can see this." He poked her belly button. "I like it" he poked there again. "Stop poking me" She slapped his arm surprising both of them.

"Did you just slap me?" He asked with a teasing smile on his face.

"I am sorry... but stop it and eat." She pleaded cutely.

"Alright" he raised his hands up and let her go take her seat.

By the time, he was done eating his meal she was still picking at her food in a bored fashion.

Losing his patience with her, he stood up and moved closer to her chair. She didn't look up at him until he took her spoon from her hold.


"I am going to feed you" saying that he forcefully opened her mouth, thrust in a spoon full of rice and closed her mouth. "Chew" he commanded. She slowly chewed her food. "Now swallow" once she had swallowed her food he offered her water. "Drink" She took a small sip.

"Let's do it again"

"No..." You will choke me with food. "Enough..." She squeaked. "I am full"

"No, you have to finish this whole plate."

"Veer, let's go... Go to bed." She breathed, knowing that would distract him.

Book II - Darling, I Love You (Part One - Completed)Where stories live. Discover now