Part 21

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Part - 21


"I Fell In Love With You Not For How You Look, Just For Who You Are"


"Mom, I am going out. I will come in an hour" Naira said to her mom who was cooking chicken for dinner.

"Where?" Madhu asked.

"Um..." Naira contemplated whether to lie to her that she was having a client meeting or to tell her the truth that she was going to meet Sabeer.

"What?" Madhu asked when no reply came from her daughter. "Well, don't go anywhere now. Tomorrow, Veer is leaving back to Kashmir so tonight we are having a family dinner..."

"Mom, I will be back soon..."

"No, Naira..."

"Mom, he is really trying to talk with me for a while now so I can't say no to him once again. He will think badly about me..."

"Who?" Madhu asked with a frown as she stopped stirring the gravy with the spatula.


"You have no business with that boy, Naira, so you are not going to see him..."

"For God sake I am 26, mom! I know where to and not to go and whom to and not to meet so stop dictating me" she rebelled against her mom and hastily made her way out of the kitchen leaving her mom gaping at her retreating form.

Shoving her hands in her pants' pockets and her head bent down, her hair on either side screening her peripheral vision, she marched out of the house only to collide on her father.

"Whoa! Where's my honeybee going in jet speed?" Rishab asked holding his daughter shoulders.

"Sorry, dad, I didn't see you coming..."

"It's okay" he said and briefly studied his daughter face. "What's wrong? Had a fight with your mom?"

"Yeah, sort of..." She shrugged. "I wanted to go out but mom wants me to stay in... As you know for family dinner..."

"Fair reason to restrict you..."

"But I promised to be back before dinner time"


"Look, dad, she doesn't have a problem with me going out. She has a problem with the person I am going to meet up now"

"Are you going to see Sabeer?" He asked. It wasn't hard for him to guess who his wife dislikes and his daughter likes fervently.

Naira nodded in yes.

"Oh, okay. Go, see him but be back home on time" he gave her permission.

"I am anyways going, dad." She said arrogantly meaning she didn't need his permission to go out.

"And I am not stopping you" he moved aside leaving her way to go.

"Oh dad" Naira stopped remembering something to ask.

"Yeah, baby?"

"I saw you in the mega mall with Arjun's girl..."

"And you made your mom see us as well?" He asked. Naira nodded feeling guilty.

"Very well done, sweetheart" Rishab faked a grin.

"Sorry, dad, nothing intentional, I got excited when I saw you and showed to mommy without noticing you had company..."

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