Part 18

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(18+ contents!)


“All that you are is all that I’ll ever need” – Ed Sheeran


"I just love my hijabi with or without her hijab" Veer confessed looking deep into Inayat's eyes.

" guys are cute" Naira squealed and hugged Inayat, breaking the spell, making Arjun slap his head. His sister had done her masters in ruining sweet romantic moments.

Right then they heard a knock at the door.

"Guess its dad" Arjun knew his dad would bring them popcorns though he had hang up on him after using a colorful profanity.

"Come in" Arjun shouted.

Madhu walked in with two bowls full of popcorn in her hands. "I was wondering why it was taking so long to make popcorns and now I know why" Arjun teased his mother. Madhu always takes her sweet time to roll off her bed and go to kitchen and cook for her kids.

Madhu glared her son. Arjun pinched his ear as if asking sorry.

"Share and eat kids" she said and gave one bowl to Inayat and one to Naira.

"The word 'share' never existed in Naira di's dictionary, mom" Arjun joked though it was a fact.

"Hey, c'mon, I will share with you" Naira said offended and gave the bowl to him. He took it in delight. 

"Maa, are you okay?" Veer asked noticing the dullness in Madhu's face.

"Your dad is running a fever so I am worried" Madhu said.

"What? What happened to dad? He was alright till evening, right?" Naira panicked.

"Today, he spent too much of time in the pool and got fever"

"Maa, shall we take him to the hospital?" Veer asked.

"You guys are time and again forgetting that you have an in-home doctor so why you need to go to hospital?" Arjun asked in disappointment. "I will go check on, dad"

"No, he took a Paracetamol and now sleeping. You don't disturb him" Madhu stopped when Arjun stood up to go and check on him.

"Alright!" He sat back.

"Ammi, if you need anything call us, any time" Inayat said. Madhu nodded with a smile.

"You guys enjoy the movie" she said and turned to leave but stopped. She just noticed how the four were sitting so close in one bed.

"It's too cool here. Why don't you cover guys?" Madhu asked and pulled the duvet over them, cocooning them underneath it instead of adjusting the AC temperature.

"Nice mommy!" Arjun thought. "I better use her in my mission bring 'Veerat' close"

"Good night, kids" Madhu said and the four chorused 'Good night'

Madhu walked towards the door, stopped, turned around and winked at Arjun.

"You knew?" Arjun mouthed. She subtly nodded her head and switched off the lights before stepping out the room.

"Wah! Why didn't I think about switching of the lights?"

"Shall we switch on the lights, please?" Inayat asked placing her hand over her heavy raising and falling chest.

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