Part 40

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Part - 40


"There is a reason behind every story... Mine is simple, I never want to lose you!"


Arjun walked out of the bathroom taking a hot bath and wearing a pair of denim pants. "Oohhh it's too cold here" he quickly ran and grabbed his white full sleeve T-shirt from the bed.

He was about to throw his T-shirt on when someone knocked at the door. "Come in" he shouted hoping it was his girlfriend.

Inayat walked in and quickly turned around seeing Arjun's bare chest. Well, he thought to flaunt his waist up nakedness to his girlfriend and seek her attention but didn't mean to embarrass his shy bhabi.

"Sorry" she muttered softly.

Arjun chuckled and quickly slipped his hands into the shirt arm holes and tried to pull it down but it got stuck mid face, refusing to go down further. "Ahh.. Somebody help me. I can't breathe. I can't breathe." He yelled like a child pulling the hem of his shirt.

Inayat quickly ran to him and unbuttoned the top two buttons, widening the neck space. "How many times I told you to undo the neck buttons before wearing your shirt, Izzaan?" She scolded forgetting the fact that she wasn't talking to her brother. "But you never listen to me at all"

"Bhabhi" Arjun offered her a small smile before gently shaking her shoulder.

Inayat blinked her eyes rapidly as if coming out of her reverie. She slowly took her shaky hand and placed her palm on Arjun's cheek. "He is not Izzaan, my baby" she murmured to herself.

"I am so sorry... I scolded you" she said caressing his cheek still finding it hard to believe it wasn't her brother. "I thought... I... I..." She stammered.

"I know. It's okay. Relax." He held her shoulders for support and gently rubbed her back.

"Never in his life he wore his shirt properly. He always shrieked 'Ammi, I am stuck. Help me. Ammi, I can't breathe. I can't breathe.' And I have to run leaving all my work to help him." Inayat talked softly as tears stung her eyes remembering those were his last lines too. Ammi, I can't breathe. He cried struggling to breath but she couldn't help him then.

"Ammi?" Arjun asked, surprised.

"He used to call me ammi because he never got to see our mother..."

"Oh" he smiled.

"I am sorry. It's your birthday and I don't want to upset you." She said forcing a smile on her face. "I just came to give you something..." she opened her palm and showed him a thin and plain gold chain. "My birthday gift for you. Will you wear it?"

Arjun smiled before bowing his head a little wordlessly asking her to put the chain for him.

"Thank you" Inayat said happily and quickly hooked it around his neck.

"I will always wear this chain, bhabhi" he promised as he took her hand and kissed the back of it. It was a gesture he always did to show his love and respect he had for her. 


Kathy took a quick shower, got dressed and packed her things, ready to leave before Arjun and his mother woke up.

"Hey, good morning" Rishab greeted her as he walked into the open bedroom. He found his daughter Naira still sleeping on the bed covering her body from head to toe.

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