Part 25

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Part - 25


"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own"


"Are you feeling okay now?" Madhu asked her daughter in law in concern who was busy making aloo poori for breakfast.

"I am fine, ammi" Inayat said with a small smile. She looked bright as sunshine. There was no trace of dullness in her face. Maybe, waking up in her husband's arms did the magic. They slept at two ends last night but somehow they were pulled together like a magnetic energy and to her surprise she didn't experience panic attack having her husband breathe so close to her. She wanted to freeze the moment as she felt so comfortable and protected in his arms but she couldn't so she just prolonged the moment admiring her peacefully sleeping husband before sneaking out of the bed to perform ablutions and Morning Prayer.

"Good" Madhu didn't miss to notice the secret smile on Inayat's face. She felt happy about that and went back cooking oats upma for her daughter Naira. She was very health conscious.

"Ammi, do we have apples?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes, we do"

"Can I make apple pudding? Veer likes it"

"Of course, you can and you know you don't have to ask, right? It's your home, Inayat"

Inayat simply nodded her head with a smile.

"Oh and I have a sweet tooth so make extra pudding for me."

"Sure, ammi" she smiled and asked "Where's uncle?"

"I knew you would be surprised to see me in the kitchen this early because usually you will have your uncle's company, right?"

"Um... Yeah" though it was hardly a week since she started living with them, she had built a bond with each and every one of them, mainly with her father in law as they spend more time in kitchen.

"He slept late last night so I told him to sleep a little longer and I will help you in preparing breakfast"

"Is he upset or something?" Inayat asked sensing some trouble.

"Yes, he is kinda upset... He didn't like the way Arjun's behaved last night and he couldn't reach that girl Kathryn. He was worried for her and he couldn't sleep well"

"It's my fault. I didn't mean to cry and put off everyone's mood. And I really feel terrible for Arjun's girlfriend. She faced the brunt because of me. She saw me crying and only then she fought with Arjun. I... I don't know... I just couldn't control myself last night... I am really sorry, ammi. Please forgive me." Inayat took hold of Madhu's hand seeking her forgiveness.

"Ohho Inayat! There's no fault in your part so no need to feel guilty. Just don't cry, at least not in front of Veer. He hates tears just like his dad and he can't handle a teary eyed woman. If you want to cry then go to Arjun. He will console you for a whole day and make you smile in the end. I seek him whenever I put a fight with my husband. He helps me in brightening my mood" Madhu said with a soft chuckle. Inayat smiled fondly. She agreed with the part 'Veer hates tears' but not with the 'Veer sucks in consoling an emotional woman' because he had been doing an exceptional job in soothing her whenever she broke down.


“What are you two doing in my room?” Veer asked his siblings spotting them in his room when he stepped out of the bathroom taking his shower.

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