Part 37

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Part - 37


"She was brave and strong and broken all at once"


"Arjun... Arjun... Arjun..." Kathryn was drunk and her words slurred but only one word, one name wasn't incoherent. Arjun! The name meant love and pain for her.

"Kate, babe, stop saying that nasty name." Alex said viciously as he placed Kathryn on the center of his bed and climbed next to her.

"I want... Arjun" she twisted her face in disgust when she felt Alex's lips on her neck and tried to push him off her body but he was too heavy for her.

"I know what you want, babe" Alex reached out for the injection placed on the night stand and gently rolled up Kathryn's shirt sleep to inject her Coke.

"No! Don't" Kathy pulled her arm away from his grasp.

"You need this babe to forget everything... to forget your parents... and to forget that imbecile guy you call your boyfriend." Alex hissed.

"This can't make me forget him. No one can. Nothing can make me forget him." She said with conviction.

"Alright! No need to forget him. Just forget yourself and let me take care of you" he insisted that she took the injection.

"I don't do drugs anymore, Alex" she told him and wished he would leave the room and let her sleep. Her head was throbbing and she felt nauseous.


"I don't" she swatted his hand away when he let it roam all over head body. "And you don't too" she meant his touching this time.

"Only tonight, I am asking you to take this." He pressed his crotch against her and showed her the injection. She shook her head negatively, refusing to take either of his offers. "Let's just lose ourselves in this magic, babe" he tempted her.

"I promised... Arjun... I won't take... take drugs anymore and I... I won't break my promise to him"

"Fuck the promise!" He growled.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Kathy asked. "I am already high on alcohol and you want me to take Coke now? Don't you know what a deadly combination these two are?" She laughed bitterly and rolled to her front letting a lone tear to roll down and bury in the pillow.

For a second, she thought to let him inject her and kill her but she couldn't do that. She wanted to live her life with Arjun... but at the same time she was sick of people using her... sucking her blood like a leech. She was torn between life and death.

"Kate, I am sorry" he quickly threw the injection away when realization hit him hard and cupping her face he peppered kisses all over her face as apology. "Babe, do you love him?" He asked in a whisper still holding her face. She shook her head in negative. 

"Then what's stopping you from giving me this one night of bliss with you?"

"You are my friend, Alex." She said helplessly.

"We have kissed so many times. We have made out so many times..."

"That's all before Arjun!" She stated as matter of fact. "Now, you please leave me alone. I need to sleep and tomorrow morning I am leaving back to India" she informed.

"What? I thought you were staying here for a month?" It was only two weeks since she came there.

"I am done here and I will never come back...ever" she said in a dry tone but her fingers gripped the sides of her pillow tightly to control emotions. She wanted him to leave so that she could cry her eyes out.

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