Part 38

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Dedicating this part to S291983, wish you a very happy birthday Seema di. God bless you. Love u so much. <3


Part - 38


"Inside every person you know there is a person you don't know"


Two days later,

"Surprise!" Madhu shrieked when Arjun opened the door.

"I am not at all surprised. I knew you guys would come." Arjun said rolling his eyes before hugging his mother and kissing her cheek.

"Come in" he invited his family into Inayat's house.

"Where is your bhabhi?" Dadi asked as she sat on the rocking chair and relaxed.

"Inayat bhabhi has gone to the market to buy some ingredients. You know she's gonna bake a cake for me. A chocolate cake. My favorite"

"Really? I love chocolate cake but red velvet cake is my favorite" Dadi's eyes lit in delight. "But still I am getting the bigger piece tonight"

"No, dadi, no. I will feed you a small piece."


"You're a diabetic. Don't forget that." He reminded her. She pouted and turned her face away.

"So everything is cool between you and Inayat?" Naira asked.

"Everything is perfect, Naira di." Arjun said with a wide smile. "Now, come, I will show you something" he took her hand and dragged her to the balcony to show her the lake.

"Wow" Naira was too mesmerized seeing the scenic beauty in front of her eyes.

"Nice place" Rishab commented taking in all the minute detail of her house.

"Yes. Very neatly maintained house" Madhu said and walked into the kitchen to make some tea.


Later, when Inayat came home from the market she was so surprised to see her whole family at her house. She warmly greeted them and quickly started cooking dinner for them with her mother in law's help.

By the time, they were almost done with cooking, Veer had come home from Jammu, completely drained. He wanted to spend the night with his family and wish his brother at sharp twelve so he came in a hurry.

After exchanging few pleasantries with his family, he made a beeline to the kitchen where Inayat was giving the final touch to her kashmiri pulav.

"You look tired" Inayat said just by taking one glance at him.

"I am hungry" he said leaning against the counter. She was about to suggest him to freshen up and come for dinner but stopped when he said "Please feed me something, Inayaa" he rubbed his tummy showing his hunger.

"Did you skip lunch?" She asked him with a cute frown marring her forehead as she put some pulav in a bowl and took a spoon from the cutlery cabinet.

"Hmm... I had to start early from the camp so that I could reach here soon." He gave that as an explanation for skipping his meal.

She walked closer to him and took a spoon full of rice to his mouth. "Here, eat" she fed him like he asked. "How many times have I told you not to skip your meal? Why don't you listen to me, Veer?" She softly admonished him as she kept feeding him. He was too hungry to reply to her or give her compliments for cooking such a tasty pulav and matar paneer so he silently ate.

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