Part 32

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Part 32


"You can't make everyone happy. You are not a jar of Nutella"


"... You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away..."

Arjun softly crooned the song as he played his guitar sitting on the edge of the swimming pool with his legs dangling under the water.

"He sings well" Inayat muttered to Radha. They were sitting behind him on the canopy swing.

"His mother sings well and from her only he got the interest on singing." Radha said proudly looking at her grandson. "Arjun is the closest one to Madhu.”

Inayat nodded her head with a smile. She knew that already. Veer had told her.

“Ever since he started talking he started singing along with his mother. It's a joy to hear them sing together and my Rishab secretly admires them but never acknowledged how good they sing"

"Oh. Yeah, I have heard her sing in kitchen while we were cooking together. She has a lovely voice" Inayat said with a soft smile as she glanced up and found Madhu and Rishab standing in the balcony of their room and gazing down at the backyard.

Madhu caught Inayat's eyes and waved her ‘Hi’. Inayat smiled and waved back.

"No Veer. No Naira. Arjun is so dull. Inayat hardly speaks. Our house is so silent, Rishab. I don't like this at all." Madhu said with a dramatic sigh. "We should have had one more baby to keep us busy and also entertain us, Rishab." she said glancing at him.

He gave her a look of horror and shook his head. "I could have kept you busy and entertained in bed but I couldn't, why, because you had to run behind our three monkeys all the time and now you say we could have had one more monkey! Why? To add more problems to our head than we already have?"

"What problems do we have, Rishab? Our kids have problems and they are handling them so well on their own…"

"And you don't worry for them at all?" He questioned cocking his brow.

"Um... That... I worry because I care for them"

"Ahaan! Then more babies mean more worries for you. So it's a good think we settled for 3 children which I never imagined of having"

Madhu laughed. "You never thought you would compete with your friend Mukkund, right?"

"Right and I am a clear winner because I have a baby girl which he doesn't" Rishab grinned proudly.

"Now you got two more daughters" Madhu showed a V with her fingers in front of his face.

"True" Rishab smiled looking at Inayat who was nodding her head at something Radha was telling.

"What's his problem? For how long he is gonna sing that 'Oh my sunshine' song?" Madhu asked her husband as she got irritated hearing the same sad song in repeat mode.

He shrugged.

"His girlfriend... will she be coming back to India or planning to settle there in the US?" Madhu asked with a frown.

"She has college, starting next month so, obviously, she will be here before that."

"Then why this boy is creating a big scene out of it as if she broke up with him?" Madhu asked as she picked up a smile faced stress ball from the floor and threw it accurately on Arjun's face from the balcony.

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