Part 57

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Part - 57


"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart" - Jane Austen


"Whoa! We leaving already?" Arjun asked no one particular when everyone stood up to leave after settling the bill.

"Yes" Madhu replied. 

"But it's too early"

"It's already 10 pm, Arjun"

"But mom, we won't find time to gather like this again."

"We will be busy only till Naira's wedding. After that we will have enough time to gather like this."

"But Veer bro won't be here with us as he will be leaving to Kashmir right after Naira di's wedding. Even Naira di and Yash jijz will be honeymooning for how many months I don't know."

"Alright, Arjun. You kids stay longer and have fun but your dad and I are leaving. Your dadi is alone at home."

"Even I am leaving. I have lots of work to do." Swetha said little excitedly. After all it was her only son's engagement tomorrow.

"But Swetz, you are my date. You can't leave me." Arjun threw his arm possessively on Yash's mother and side hugged her, refusing to let her go.

"Aww... I love this boy" she hugged him back. "We will have a proper date, another day. I promise."

"I will be looking forward for that day"

"Mom, do you want me to drop you?" He asked holding up his car key.

"No, thank you, darling. I will go with the Kundra's. They can drop me at our home, I suppose."

"Sure" Rishab and Madhu agreed at once.

"Cool. You guys have fun."


"So what's the plan?" Yash asked after their families left.

"Plan? We are just going to chillax." Arjun said and walked ahead of the other two couples.

Once they got into the elevation, Arjun pressed the button to the rooftop. "I don't know why we dined in a private room as if we were going to discuss some business secrets. You know they have an amazing skyloft restaurant here and that's where I am taking you guys now."

"But why are we going to that restaurant now? We just had our dinner, right?" Naira questioned her little bro.

"They just don't serve food there. They have a dance floor with rocking music and a bar. It's simply a party place for youngsters. Oh and the 'Queen's necklace' Mumbai view from the top is breathtaking. Bhabhi you will love it." He specifically mentioned it to her as she had never seen that beautiful view before though she was not so new to Mumbai now.

Inayat smiled showing little interest but Veer was least interested in all this. He wished he could take his wife home and spend a quiet night with her in their room. Especially after last night he could think about nothing but making love to her, all night, slow and passionate love.

"You have been here already?" Inayat asked.

"Yeah, with Kathy. We simply rock the dance floor you know. Wish she was here now..."  Suddenly his voice dipped as he started missing his girlfriend.

"What happened, baby?" Naira asked in concern.

"I don't like feeling like this..."

"Like what?" Naira asked.

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