Part 19

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Note - This is a pure work of fiction. Don't expect too much of logical!




"Love Liberates. It Doesn't Bind"


"Kathryn, wait!" Smriti, Kathy and Arjun's classmate shouted as she ran towards her.

"What?" Kathy asked chewing gum.

"Are you and Arjun, an item?"

"What!?" Kathy asked knitting her brows. Of course, they share a, more like a dirty relationship but still calling them an item? Was it so obvious they were into each other?

"I kinda like Arjun...he is cute, you know" Smriti said, blushing. Smriti was a cute and petite girl and also a secret admirer of Arjun.

"Yeah, he is cute but he is mine!" Kathy said possessively.

"Oh" Smriti's face fell in disappointment. "So you guys are serious?"

"Yeah, we are fucking serious! So you better stay away from him!" Kathy said in a menacing tone as she took a threatening step towards her and leaning closer to Smriti's face, she blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing. When the bubble burst, Smriti ran away from the place as if Kathy had slapped her.

"Hey, Riti, why are you running?" Arjun held Smriti in his arms when she ran like a headless chicken and dashed him with full force.

Kathryn turned around to find Smriti in Arjun's arms. She marched towards them and parted them away rather rudely.

"Kathy, Riti accidentally bumped into me..."

"You are not calling her 'Riti' ever again!" Kathy ordered.

"Whoa!" Arjun said, surprised by her attitude.

"Why?" Smriti asked offended. She liked the pet name Arjun gave her.

Kathryn glared at Arjun.

"Smriti Sharma, please don't run. You might fall and get hurt" Arjun said sweetly. Smriti swooned.

"If she runs again and falls also you won't catch her, Arjun! You will let her fall! Got it?" Kathy asked. Arjun gaped at her wide eyed.


"What was that?" Arjun asked jogging behind her to catch up with her.

"You want me to be your girlfriend, right?" Kathy asked

"Oh yeah! So you are gonna be my possessive girlfriend?"

Kathy shrugged her shoulders. "Give me your phone" she asked as she spat the bubbled gum into the mouth of a monkey waste bin.

"Why?" He asked but handed over his phone to her after touching the fingerprint sensor.

Kathy went to the contacts and scrolled down.

"Bhavi? Jen? Sam? Who are they?" Kathy asked with a frown.

"Bhavana, Jennifer and Samantha" Arjun said with a sheepish grin.

"I thought you gave pet name only for me?" Kathy asked cocking her brow.

"It's easy for me to remember a person if I give them a pet name. You see you won't forget the name you give them right?"

"Full name! Use. Full. Name. Okay?"

"Okay, Kathryn Fernandez" he bowed mockingly.

"Call me, Kathy, you idiot! Call other girls by their full name"

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