Part 39

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Part - 39


H.O.P.E - Hold. On. Pain. Ends.


Kathryn burst into her hotel room and kicked the door to shut automatically. She headed straight to the mini fridge and grabbed a scotch bottle and directly drank from it without bothering to pour the drink in a glass.

"How dare he insults me?" Her breath raged and her whole body shook with blazing anger as she took a huge swig from the bottle.

"What all nonsense he spouted at me? Rascal! I should have given him couple more slaps" she talked to herself loudly as she angrily paced the room. Right then she heard a knock at the door.

"It must be him. I won't let him woo me" she walked to the door and shouted without opening the door "I don't want to see your ugly face. Get lost, you asshole."

"Kathryn, it's me, your Rishab uncle" he didn't discreetly follow her. He knew in which hotel she stayed. She had texted him sometimes back when she had arrived there.

Kathryn quickly opened the door and apologized for shouting at him. "Sorry. Sorry, uncle. I thought it was Arjun. Really sorry."

"It's okay. I understand that ugle face and asshole is not me" he said with a chuckle. "May I..." He gestured whether he could come in.

"Sure" she moved aside and let him walk in. She followed him after making sure Arjun wasn't with him and locking the door.

Rishab pulled a chair and sat on it. His eyes were fixed on the bottle sitting on coffee table.

"Were you drinking?" He asked bitterly. Kathryn sat on the edge of the bed with her head bowed down.

"Kathryn?" He called her authoritatively when she reminded silent.

"You want some, uncle?" She offered a drink.

"You want a slap from me?" He asked glaring at her.

"Are you here to give me back what I gave to your son?" She asked in a teasing tone. He couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head in negation. "He deserved that slap. In fact I would have given him a harder slap if you hadn't"

"Today is his birthday. I shouldn't have slapped him. I feel bad now" She said regretting her action. "I was clouded with anger so I... I am so sorry, uncle"

"I understand you, baby"

Kathryn crawled out of the bed and knelt in front of him. She took his hands in hers and said "You are the only one who understands my feeling even better than I do, uncle."

Rishab extricated one hand from her hold and caressed her hair affectionately. "Sit on the bed" he ordered softly. He hated people kneeling down in front of him.

She did as she was bid. Then he pulled his chair closer to her and took her hand in his. "What's happened to you, darling. You weren't like this when I had last seen you at the Airport. You have lost the spark in your eyes and you have lost so much weight. You almost look malnurished to me. Aren't you eating at all?" he asked showing fatherly concern.

Kathryn took a deep breath before opening up to him. "Uncle, I have a lot to share with you which I can't even share with Arjun"

"Go ahead and unburden everything to me. I won't judge you." He promised.

"Firstly, I have a doubt, uncle"

"What doubt?"

"Uncle, how come Arjun knew about Alex?" She asked with a confused frown. "Was he spying on me?"

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