Part 45

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Part - 45


"A few bad chapters does not mean your story is over"


"Rishab, check this boy's profile" Madhu turned her laptop so that he could view it. "I like him"

"Madhu, its been only two days since Naira agreed to marry..." He couldn't believe his wife had already registered their daughter's profile in a matrimonial site and started finding a groom for her.


"Let's give us some time. Let's not hurry. This is our daughter's life matter and we should do no mistake here. We should find the right guy for her who will understand her and keep her happy, forever and to find him we will need time..."

"Rishab, I want to find a suitable guy for her before she changes her mind."

"She wouldn't. She gave her word."

"Last time also she gave her word to us. She agreed to marry Roshan but what happened in the end?"

"Let's not rehash that topic, Madhu" he warned her.

"Rishab, I am not..."

"She did a mistake," he cuts her off "...I agree but she is just a kid so excuse her for once."

She rolled her eyes. He narrowed his eyes at her. "When you can still see Arjun as a baby then surely I can see Naira as a kid so don't roll your eyes at me"

"Alright! Just look at this boy. I find him good looking and attractive."

"Attractive?" He asked feeling a pang of jealousy. "I am the only man you should ever find attractive"

"You are old now, Mr. Kundra"she teased him

"So are you, Mrs. Kundra" he said too sweetly and mockingly.

She snorted. "If he marries Naira then he will become my son in law..." she meant to say there was nothing wrong in finding a man attractive who she saw as her son.

"That's why I am saying don't describe him like that. Your daughter should use such adjectives, not you!"

Nonsense! She rolled her eyes once again.

"Then how will I describe this charismatic man?"

Whoa! Too much of praises from my wife for this young man! Hmm... Let me see him and tell what's so special about him!

Rishab scooted closer to her and took a look at the guy's pic on her laptop screen.

Tall, well built and handsome! He thought, instantly liking his appearance.

"Hmm... He looks good but why can't he smile?" He asked swallowing his actual opinion about that guy.

Madhu threw him a 'you-don't-talk-about-smiling' look and got out of the bed.

"Hey, where are you going?"

She didn't reply. 

She walked to her books rack and pulled out her favorite book 'Paradise' by Judith McNaught. From inside the book, she took out a photo.

"Do you remember this photo?" She held the photo with both her hands and showed it to him. He squinted his eyes to see it clearly and chuckled, recognizing it. 

It was his photo taken some 28 or 29 years ago. 

"Your mom gave this pic to my parents when she sent the marriage proposal"

Book II - Darling, I Love You (Part One - Completed)Where stories live. Discover now