Part 20

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NOTE - Continuation scene of previous part is written in this part so it will be full of Rishab and Kathy's talk and it might be quite short and boring. I will make the next part interesting by showing Naira's love story for which many are waiting.




"There is only one happiness in life - to love and to be loved!"


"Mom, look over there" Naira tapped her mother's shoulder and pointed somewhere.

"What?" Madhu asked looking at her daughter.


Madhu followed her gaze and found her husband talking with her son's girlfriend.

"What business he has with this girl?" Madhu wondered with a frown.

"Come on, let’s go and see what's going on there" Naira suggested.

"No, your dad won't appreciate our interference. I will ask him the matter later when he gets home. Now, we will go find Inayat"

Naira and Madhu stepped on the escalator to reach the second floor where Inayat had told them she will be shopping.

Inayat and Arjun walked out of the shop holding their purchase bags only to meet with Naira and Madhu.

"What are you doing here?" Madhu questioned Arjun.

"Um... I... bhabhi asked me to help her choose a shirt for Veer bro so I directly came from college for her, right, bhabhi?"

"Haan... haan... I asked his help. That's true" Inayat agreed with half of his story.

"You didn't come with your dad?" Madhu asked with a suspicious frown.

"Dad is here? Where? I didn’t know. I didn’t come with him" I came with my girl, so, yeah, I am not lying. Arjun looked around as if really searching for his dad.

"He is in Ibaco with your girlfriend Kathryn" Naira said.

"Oh really?" Arjun acted shocked.

"You didn't know about your girlfriend meeting with daddy?" Naira asked cocking her brows.

"Naira di, we just broke up couple of days ago. Mom, you know that right? Then how would I know about their meeting? Maybe, they just bumped into each other and dad being the nicest guy offered her to buy an ice cream." Arjun bluffed. Madhu eyed him suspiciously.

"Mom, don't look at me like that. You know I don't lie..."

Inayat audibly gasped in shock hearing his big fat lie about not lying.

Madhu and Naira burst out laughing seeing Inayat's reaction. "Even Inayat can tell how big liar you are" Naira teased.

"I am sorry" Inayat softly said to Arjun.

"Too bad, bhabhi" Arjun shook his head as he tried and failed to keep a straight face.

"Done with shopping? Shall we go home?" Arjun asked no one in particular to change the topic.

"Sure" Madhu said. Inayat and Naira agreed.


"Arjun didn't notice me" Kathy said with a pout. "I was like every other girl in the college for him. I thought he forgot me, forgot our kiss..." She crunched the tissue paper to a ball as anger built in her.

Book II - Darling, I Love You (Part One - Completed)Where stories live. Discover now