Part 31

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Part 31


"Open and close both are opposite to each other but we open to them who is close to our heart"


"Sabeer?" Naira was surprised to see him there. "What are you doing here?" She asked. He waved his hand at her, grinning widely. She cut the call and stepped back letting him enter her room.

"Surprised?" He asked as he looked around her room and walked straight to the balcony as if he owned that damn place.

"Yeah, I am. And you didn't answer me. What are you doing here?" She asked hardly containing her annoyance.

"Why you sound so annoyed? You don't like to have me here?" He asked feeling hurt and disappointed.

"No! I am sorry. It's just... I don't know how Roshan will take this. He might not like having you in our trip"

"Just like how they joined you in their trip they will join me as well. If they don't like to have me in their team also its fine. You just come with me. We can tour around Goa on our own. Just the two of us. I would prefer that actually. We will get to know each other better then. What do you say?"

"Sab, that's wrong. I came with them and I can't ditch them mid way for you"

"Alright" he sighed. "So what you guys have planned for tonight?"

"I don't know. I should ask Roshan."

"How many days you guys have planned to stay here?"

"A week" Naira replied. "And you are going to accompany us throughout the trip?"


She frowned.

"If there is any emergency at the hospital I would be leaving soon"


"So before that I would like to take you on a date."

"A date?"

"Yes. Will you go with me?"


"Tomorrow night"

"I will ask Roshan..."

"Stop it Naira. Stop taking his name for every damn thing. You have nothing to ask him. You decide whether you want to go with me or not" he snapped.

"I didn't mean to ask his permission. I wanted to ask Roshan's plan before making my own plans." She snapped him back. They stood glaring at each other for a minute.

"Why didn't you tell me about you coming here?"

"I told you it was a surprise"


"You wish I hadn't come, right?"

"Honestly yes. There are too many boys here already."

"Don't worry. I will protect you from the R-brothers"

"I trust them and they respect me so I don't need your protection from them"

"Cool. Now at least give me a welcome hug. I will feel so unwanted otherwise"

Naira smiled a little and briefly hugged him.

"You smell good." he said catching a whiff of her sweet scent. "You just took your shower?"

She nodded.

"And you didn't dry your hair. You will catch cold. Come. I will blow dry for you"

"Sab, I will do..."

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