Part 16

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Happy birthday Anish akka. God bless u!



PART - 16

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"Smiling has always been easier than explaining why you're sad."

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It was a Sunday and the family was lounging leisurely in the backyard.

Rishab and Arjun were relaxing in the swimming pool.

Inayat and Naira were sitting on the bamboo swing, Inayat with a book in her hand, reading and Naira, listening to music on her earphones.

Veer was helping his mother Madhu in gardening.

"Maa, are you upset?" Veer asked as he dug the soil with his gloved hands.

"Hmm" Madhu nodded her head.

"Because of me? Maa, I am sorry, I didn't mean to hit Arjun. He provoked me..."

"No, Veer. I am actually mad at your dad" Madhu said glaring at her husband. "What?" Rishab mouthed at her not getting why she was behaving strange with him. She turned her face away from him.

"Your mom is crazy, I tell you!" he muttered to Arjun.

Arjun ignored his dad and proceeded with his sink and float water exercise to relieve his stress. He hadn't talked with Kathryn since yesterday, the moment they broke up. He thought of calling her or meeting her in person and demand an explanation for changing her WhatsApp profile pic but he went against it knowing he would say something regretful to her and they won't have a chance, ever, in mending their relationship so he decided to cool himself down before facing her.

"Why? Did dad tell anything to upset you?" Veer asked.

"No but I am angry on him because he only taught you guys kickboxing and told you to fight to vent out your anger and frustration"

"Ah, maa! Don't put the blame on dad, please."

"Veer, I know you and your dad are born to fight but Arjun..."

"Yeah, he is born to flirt" Veer commented humorously.

"I heard that..." Arjun splashed water on his brother. "And I take that as a compliment" he roared with laughter.

"Arjun is not used to fighting. See, today he got hurt and he said he won't go to college for two days" Madhu worried.

"That boy needs a reason to truant from college, maa"

Madhu giggled, agreeing with her son.


"My baby seems so upset" Rishab worried looking at his daughter.

"Yes, dad, I am so upset" Arjun swam closer to his dad and said in a hurtful tone.

"I am not talking about you idiot. I am talking about your sister"

Arjun scoffed and swam backwards, away from his dad.

"How long will she be angry on me, Arjun?"

"Why are you asking me that? Go, ask your darling daughter!" Arjun yelled.

"Arjun, why are you mad?"

"You know why, dad!"

"You told me you will talk with your girl, today, but I presume you still haven't."

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