Part 34

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Part - 34


"No reason to stay is a good reason to go"


Veer was waiting outside Srinagar Airport, leaning his back against his jeep door. He had his gaze downcast and his arms tied over his chest.

Sensing someone nearing him, he lifted his head up and smiled.

He pulled his shades off to look at his beautiful eyes with his naked eyes.
She looked tired and flushed. What's happened to her?

Inayat slowly walked toward him, gripping the sling of her bag tightly. She too had a small smile on her face. It felt nice to be closer to her husband whom she had missed like crazy.

"Hi" she greeted softly.

"Hi" he replied as he took the bag from her and dropped it at the back of the jeep.

"How was your flight?"

"Comfortable. Thank you." she replied. He nodded.

"Get in" he said opening the door for her and helping her to climb up and sit comfortably.

"I missed you" she said once he ran around the jeep and settled on the driver seat.

"I know you did" he said as revved the engine.

"Veer" she felt hurt when he didn't say he missed her too.

"Tell me?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She could sense something was off.

He glanced her way with a frown but didn't say anything.

"Are you not happy with my arrival?"

"Inayat, I am happy. Honestly, I am but I want to know why? Why you came three days earlier? You were supposed to come with my dad and mom this coming Saturday, right?" They had planned to register their marriage coming Monday and also celebrate their first monthsary!

"I don't have a reason, Veer. I just wanted to see you and I was missing home."

"Inayat, your home is in Mumbai now, not here. Please get that fact clear."

"I want to be here for a while" she stated.

"What happened back at home?" He probed.

"Nothing" Inayat shook her head side ways. "I was missing Izzaan..."

"He is not here, Inayat" he snapped but then crused himself for snapping her. "Veer, she has been through enough so please don't lose your temper on her and hurt her. She deserves nothing but your kindness." He reminded himself.

"I know" she softly whispered as she looked outside the window. "But I will feel closer to him if I stay in the place where he lived all his life" she said as her throat constricted and eyes stung with unshed tears.

He placed his hand on top of her head and gently patted it with his fingers, calming her down.

"Are you not happy with my family?" He asked after a long pause. "I thought you were. I wouldn't have left you there if I had thought otherwise." He was living in peace for the past couple of weeks with the knowledge that his wife was safe and happy with his family but what went wrong now?

Did someone say something to her? Who could it be? Naira or Arjun? He could think of only those two to hurt his wife. Not even for a second he thought his parents would hurt her because for them Inayat was like their own daughter.

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