Part 14

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PART - 14

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"I am in my bed; you're in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place"

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Arjun walked into his house, devastated. He wished he could sneak into his room without anyone noticing him but he had no such luck. His mom was waiting for him in the living room.

"Arjun, where were you?" Madhu rushed to him as soon as she saw him. "I was so worried. You went by evening and you are coming home now..." She glanced at the wall clock " midnight."

Without a word, he tried to walk past her but she stopped him. "I am talking to you, Arjun. Where were you? And what's wrong, baby? You look so upset." Madhu asked caressing her son's cheek. "Rishab... Rishab, c'mere" Madhu called her husband to deal with their son.

"What? What happened?" Rishab walked to them in a relaxed pace knowing his wife would panic for nothing.

"Look, he is not talking. I think he was crying. His eyes are bloodshot"

"Mom" Arjun groaned. "I didn't cry, okay" he said as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"What's wrong, Arjun?" Rishab asked authoritatively.

"Nothing, dad" he said without meeting his dad's eyes. "Mom, my love, don't worry. I am alright. Just go to bed." Arjun said wrapping his arms around his mom's shoulder and kissing her temple.

"Baby, are you upset because I called your friend without trusting you?" Madhu asked regretfully.

"No!" He shook his head in negation.

"Then?" Madhu pressed him to tell the truth. "You don't look good. Something is bothering you. Tell mama, please?"

"Mom, I... I am tired..." And hurt. "I want to sleep..." And forget everything. "...please, let me go" Arjun pleaded.

Sighing, Madhu nodded her head. "Baby, if you need me I am there for you, remember it, okay?"

Arjun nodded and ran upstairs to his room not before planting a kiss on his mother's forehead.

"Don't fret, Madhu. We will talk to him, tomorrow. Now, come, let's go to bed" Rishab said and taking her hand in his, he took her to their room.


Inayat turned to her side and looked at Veer who was lying on the couch across her bed and staring up at the ceiling.

"Veer" she called softly. He turned his head and looked at ger questioningly.

She stretched out her hand, palm down, for him to take. Veer looked at her surprised for a second but then he realized what she was expecting him to do. With a smile, he stretched out his hand, palm up, from his place.

Inayat pushed her head further onto her pillow and looked at their untouched hands yet it looked like they were touching from that angle.

Veer gently curled his fingers and Inayat mirrored his action and now it looked like their fingers were interlaced.

"I had a great time, today. Thanks for taking me out, Veer" Inayat said, slightly showing her dimples.

"Pleasures all mine, Inayaa" Veer said. "Um... My hand is aching by hanging in the air so shall I put it down?" Veer asked hesitantly.

With a softly laugh, Inayat nodded her head. With a sigh of relief, Veer dropped his hand to the side of the couch.

"Are we going to look at each other throughout the night or are we going to get some sleep?" Veer asked teasingly.

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